basement dwellers o.o

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"Duh, you just gave me your memories!"

Lagoon clenched his fists and looked down. "Shit, that was only supposed to go one way..."

"Well your plan failed dumbass!"

Lagoon sat down in the chair in front of his keyboard and set the coffee down in a reasonable place. He began moving his mouse across different screens and she kept moving along with the mouse. "How much more annoying can you get..." She tried to say something but he began typing in messy codes that ended up surrounding her like a cage. "Oh my God, else if?! You didn't learn jack shit from my memories!"

"Quiet, woman."

"Don't fucking call me a woman! You-" She was cut off by the code, which also caused her to glitch out. Lagoon kept typing away as much as his hands desired.

"I learned just how much this shit fucks you up."


Yuzu woke up after hearing a huge thud underneath him. He got up quickly and seeked the clock - it was only half past three. He walked out of the room and noticed the basement door was open, although they promised not to use it for anything else but storage. As he walked down the cold stairs, he first saw light flickering. Then he saw Malerie nearly laying down with zaps of electricity flowing down her arms every now and then.

He ran towards her and crouched beside her, staying distant enough as to not get electrocuted. "Malerie..." She turned her head and looked up at him. It took one second for her to realize he knows now and the wires that were connected to her fell down. The pain was instant and she sat upright while digging her fingers into her thighs and groaning. "I have many questions..."

"Y-yeah, I can-..tell..." Malerie's voice was shaky and her words barely escaped her teeth. Yuzu spotted some red around her thighs and held up her left arm, revealing her hand to be extremely bloody. He left quickly, nearly falling off the stairs as he searched for a med kit.

It was only a matter of seconds before he came back, wrapping her hands in bandages as quickly and carefully as possible. "We have to go to the hospital later. It's too early right now." Yuzu helped her stand up and walked her up the basement stairs. She sat down on the couch once they got to ground level.

"That motherfucker... I'm gonna teach him a lesson, one way or another..."


"N-none of your business..." Malerie turned her head away from Yuzu as he stood there in silence. It would be hours until the sun rose, but leaving her here wouldn't help either of them. He went into the bedroom and brought back a pillow and blanket for the both of them.

Sitting down next to her, he placed the pillow on her lap for her fore-arms to rest on. He then brought down the blanket on them and leaned next to her. He heard her mutter a thanks as he brought her in closer to him.


The sunlight seeped through the thin curtains, getting Yuzu to wake up. He looked down to a sleeping Malerie and then to her arms, which brought a crimson red right through the bandages. Becoming alert by this, he took off the blanket and looked at the time, 6:38 AM. He opened the door slightly before picking Malerie up and exiting to the hospital.

By the time he got there, Alex was strolling through the halls with a clipboard in his lap. He looked up at the footsteps and came right over. "Jeez, that looks rather terrible. Come, we'll talk about it in a room."

Malerie was set down on the bed with replaced bandages and a tube in her hand while Yuzu sat in a chair nearby, fiddling his thumb. Alex was writing on his desks before he turned his wheelchair 180° to face the worried Yuzu. "So... What caused this to happen?"

"I'm not sure. She was all electric when she had some wires in her hands."

"She was holding wires?"

"No, no, they were IN her hands. Almost fused in her fingers." This made Alex worry as well. He turned back to his desk and began writing again, so Yuzu leaned back in his chair and looked up at the tiled ceiling. He stared at the hanging light above him, noticing the currents moving through, or maybe he was imagining things, he couldn't tell.

Alex gave a sigh and looked back at Yuzu. "You'd better go back home, Ito, this is going to take a while to sort through."

"How do you know my last name?"

"Oh, we found that information through uh... Portal testing." Alex thought of to say quickly. Yuzu was even more confused but still made his way back home.


"You're back, huh?"

She turned around in the darkness, trying to locate where the voice came from. She spun around in circles before hands got a grip on her shoulders. She twisted her head back to see who it was.

"I thought I killed you, brat."

"Why are you doing this to me?! Leave me alone!"

"We both want control. But we also know we can't share this body."

"It's my body... You manifested before I even knew you were there."

"Yes. Just like how you manifested when this body was still attached to another body."

The girl laughed nastily, angering the other one even more. She twisted her shoulders out and kept distance.

"And you thought snapping my neck was enough? You couldn't even dispose of my body. That's how I came back."

"Yeah. I know. The problem is that you came back anyways."

"YOU are the problem. You tried to kill everyone I loved while taking over."

"And what are you gonna do about it, bitch?"

The visibly smaller one leaped at the other, socking the cheek of her. She stumbled, but never fell down. "Is that how it's gonna be?"

"It damn well IS!" She yelled throwing another punch. This time the other dodged and kicked her in the stomach.

"Well isn't this fun? You never grew up because I took control! You're WEAK." She grabbed the younger one's hair and threw her across the black void. She hit the "ground" like a skipping stone on water, but stopped herself with her feet and hands sliding across to cause friction. She slowly got up, shaking as she wiped the white "blood" from her mouth and grit her teeth. The other approached with a smug look on her face.

"Bleeding already?"

"Shut the fuck up, whore. You're good for nothing. You ruined my life. OUR life, only for some petty excuse to control more than just this body." The other laughed again, even louder than last time. The younger girl took this opportunity to grab her by the sweater and spun around to gather enough force to throw her away and far.

"Sayanaruh, *bitch*." The younger one walked to the only white thing in this endless void other than herself and the other girl. As she stood on it, it grabbed at her feet and seemingly aged her as she gained control.

"Now to set things straight, starting with him."

[Author's note: This story is probably going to be long and explain a lot in my AU. Or so I hope it does. I don't know how many chapters it will be, but I'm hoping I don't end it abruptly like a lot of fanfictions result in being. When I first started writing this, I wrote myself into a corner so I had to rewrite more things. I'm hoping to be more careful in the coming weeks, and more active as well. I'll also head into doing more chapter'd stories instead of one-time doers. Angie, out.]

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