* ' + The Elemental Wolves~ + ' *

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"Breeze, do you have news?" Queen Nightfall asked.

       "Well...I've spotted some outsiders, but there were all still a pup, they shoulden't do any harm."

"Perfect. Report back to me when you have more information."

"Well, Sun has been saying she's been having strong back aches, do want me to get Vine to get her some herbs for her?"

    "Yes. You should go now." Queen Nightfall said, sitting elegantly on her throne made of shadows and mystery.

   Breeze would report to the healing den, Vine appearing as she was organizing herbs. 

"Hey, Vine? Sun needs some stuff for her back, she's been saying it's been aching badly."

    "Oh, alright! I'll be as quick as I can, her back aching is going to give her a lot more pain when she gives birth to Electric, and her other pups." 

Breeze gave a quick nod as she would head back to her den, napping when suddenly, she heard the howl of Queen Nightfall.

"ATTACK!" Magma yowled.

Suddenly, the elemental wolves were in a war with the outsiders. The outsiders had used dark magic to strap Frostbite onto a wall with black, rotting vines. 

"Give up already!" Said a outsider. 

Frostbite was growling slowly as the rotting vines attempted to overtake her, but before one curled around her snout she quickly blasted a breathe of frostbreathe and made incredibly sharp icicles grow out of the ground and make a path to the outsider, stabbing it in the heart.

"Tidepool! Attack already!" Magma said, making outsiders drown in lava.

But a outsider had used dark magic once again to allow chains to rise from the ground a chain any wolf it pleases to, and also slowly burns them, and one had used it on Tidepool.

Tidepool was panting, trying to get out of the chains but coulden't control his power to stop them. 

"S-stop!" Tidepool said to the outsider.

"Then give up your power." The outsider chuckled.

"N-never!" Tidepool was burning slowly.

"Stupid outsider!" Magma shouted has he made a small piece of the ground crack below them, lava filled in it as they dropped in a yell of fear. 

"Tidepool, use your POWER!" Magma shouted at Tidepool. 

"S-sorry- WATCH OUT!"

A outsider used dark magic once more to make a large, dangerous for lava elements fall onto Magma. 


Magma was turning to a crisp, solid black now as pieces of ash fell of him. 

"No no!" Tidepool said.

"AHHHHH! I CAN'T SEE!!" Said the outsider that had eventually killed Magma.

"W-what?" The burning chain spell had stopped, but Tidepool noticed Sun was standing right behind him. 

" Yes, I know I shoulden't be fighting at a time like this for me, but I at least will do something."

Sun said.

Frostbite had noticed the ashes of magma, and went full rage mode.

Despite of any spell she had been put on, she'd use large shards of ice to rise her into the sky has she stood there on the large piece of ice directing into the sky, then blasting  a large breeze of ice breathe, falling to the ground due to energy loss from the large attack, and weakness. 

The elemental wolves had been protected, but about all of the outsiders had been dead, but for one. 

Lady Goop walked to the last outsider, growling lowly. 

    "Don't even try! Ill do the same thing that made good old lava boy die!"

"To bad." Said Lady Goop.

Lady Goop had made toxic liquds fill the outsider's body, watching them slowly loose there breathe and they fell to the ground, but they used a healing spell made of dark magic preventing it, but Lady Goop simply locked them tightly in a pin, her claws sinking toxic chemical into there body has she snapped there neck.

     "Magma...." Lady Goop said, walking to there corpse.

Vine had already been taking FrostBite to here den to heal her, but it'd be a long process.

"We can't keep fighting.." Queen Nightfall appeared from a shadow.

"Agreed." Said Lady Goop, looking at Magma's corpse, all the other wolves in the back, watching.

Queen Nightfall returned to her throne, and spoke. "We need to preform a truce of some sort, we cannot keep fighting, if we do, we will keep loosing our wolves."


Since then, it had taken time, but the tribe of the Outsiders and the Elemental Wolves preformed a truce, and had peace ever since.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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