Why wait in the rain? (FRUK)

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THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS FLUFF AND FRUK !! (Ps please don't judge my bad writing)

The Frenchman slowly inched the tired English man under his umbrella "I don't want you getting that nice coat wet mon amour."he barely said, waiting in the pouring rain for their taxi ,after ten minutes the rain was still pouring "Angleterre,your house is a good hour away,you should stay with me tonight,besides,I have some of your night-wear at my house right now anyways"he suggested giving him a small little smile.

England glanced at the rain. Rain drops were scattered all along his blond hair. he sighed softly too tired to fight with France right now. He glanced over at the Frenchman and he was surprised since he had never realized how beautiful the others eyes were, their facial features were adorable, with their cute lush lips and their long lashes. He couldn't help but smile and blush a little.

France got a little bashful and giggly from the look the other gave him and he chose to look away a bit "...just come a bit closer if your getting to wet and you can change at my house Oui?" He gave him a smiled and brought the umbrella under both of them a little more.

England smirked a little and scooted closer the france quite gradually just until their arms touched eachother. He gave a small little huff and turned away so France couldn't see his red flustered face. "Frog." he snapped a little to fix the awkwardness he was feeling.

France took out his phone, and focused on the screen until the car came, he graciously let the English man go in first by opening the door for him, and then got himself seated aswell "I shouldn't be a very long drive now mon amour~" he looked out the window at the English mans reflection.

"oh shut it frog!" He snapped at France. After about 2 minutes of silent he looked down at his soaking wet clothing, then france's hand that was so close to his own. He could just.- He grabbed onto France's hand with a small hint of red expanding on his pale cheeks.

The Frenchman heaved a sigh and gripped the others hand for a moment to show he noticed the gesture, he hid his big grin to avoid being smacked again. They spent the rest of the ride in a semi-comfortable silence "Merci"he nodded to the driver and opened the door for arthur as he earned a scowl from the gesture, he walked up to the door of his house and put in the code for the door (they have one of those fancy house door locks ) "I'm sure you'll make yourself comfortable mon amour~"

"Yeah.." He muttered still having that resting scowl on his face. He had loved francis for a couple of years now, and was a little to shy to face him after their hand to hand touching 'stupid frog.' He thought to himself.

The Frenchman turned on the kettle to make England some tea, and walked behind the English man,pulling off his sopping wet coat from behind "There's blankets on the couch,I'm making tea right now"he said in a cheerful tone, and hung up the drenched coat up on a stand.

England huffed and looked at France with a glare then readjusted his cuffs. England perched himself graciously and crossed his legs on the couch like a proper man. That damn small blush remaining to lurk on his cheeks.

France smiled to himself and started to play a station on the radio after giving England his tea he stopped for a moment "come to think of it...I haven't talked to you in a while,how are you Mon amour?"he said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

"I'm fine." England responded blankly, taking a small sip of the tea, and then wincing at the scorching hot water that burnt his tongue.

"I guess that's good,strange to have you here actually...i thought you disliked me mom amour~" France crossed his arms and smirked, and sat down across from england giving him a big smirk. England blushed a deep red "I-I do!" he snapped at france throwing a pillow at him.
"Okay~ I thought you had changed for a moment!" He laughed for a minute throwing the pillow back at him. England gave a scowl and help his cup tightly, focusing on the ripples in the water from the shaking of his hands.

After a noticeable silence the Frenchman spoke again "mon lapin you're shivering. come sit next to me, why don't you?"he offered with a hopeful look, and a warm smile.

He hesitated for a minute, but then gave in and went to go sit by France. He nuzzled himself into the others chest JUST for warmth.. Or at least thats what he told himself.

France smiled to himself and leaned over "are you going to sleep in my bed tonight Amour?~"he mumbled, he thought it was a little bit funny to see the English man take a moment to process the semi-suggestive comment.

He blushed Deeply "Tch!- I- only because!-" he cleared his throat, and pulled himself together making himself face the obnoxious Frenchman "only because your bed is the comfiest..."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself mr Kirkland~ " he snorted with a big smirk wrapping his arm around England's shoulders.

"Shut it Frog!" he snapped at france hitting him in the stomach. He crossed his arms and scooted away from France with an angry scowl.

They stayed apart from each other for what felt like forever, but in reality it had only been about 10 minutes. England shamefully scooted back over to the warm cozy chest of the Frenchman "France..." he mumbled softly "why do you try so hard? I push you away each time. Yet you continue to try." He looked up at France with a calm expression as a smile caved on France's soft lips. France laughed and kissed Arthurs hand softly "Because Angelterre. I think i've loved you for almost all the time we've been together. No matter how many fights we've been in You've always made me smiled and blush. And so many times i wanted you to be mine and I would be able to hold you in my arms" he smiled at England.

He looked into France's glittering Blue eyes "What a cheesy thing to say...." he giggled and they sat in silence. He knew France was looking for an answer "I've love you too... So much frog.."

France heaved a sigh of relief and hugged England tightly kissing his forehead, and then his cheek. Putting his glass of wine on the nightstand table.

England kept himself in the frenchmans grip and then slowly fell asleep from the warmth of his new lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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