Slow Death

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⚠️This story concists: depression, suicidal toughts, sleeping disorders and selfharm⚠️

I just wanted to say that If anything is wrong with the disorders im sorry:( it is just that im not so familiar with bad mental health but i tried my best:/

Stiles' POV:

Life. What is life really. If you think about it... it is just slow death.

Death. Death is something I have tought a lot about. Death is something a lot of people fear. Well I rather seek it.

The Pack dosen't know. They Don't know. That is the problem. They Don't know that im depressed. They Don't know that im miserable. They Don't know that I want to die.

Everytime I walk into school with a fake smile. It kills me everytime. I Don't want to smile. I Don't want to be happy.

Because I can't.

I can't quit. I can't quit selfharming. It is the only thing that keeps me sane these days. That and...

I know what you're thinking. Stiles can't sing he is useless. Well you're right in one thing but the other is false..

I have been singing since i was 4 and never quit.

The only thing I have now is singing.

I also have my dad. He knows. He knows that im depressed. He knows im miserable. And I like that.
I like that he knows.

But I have no one else. Ever since the nogitsune.

Ever since the nogitsune. The Pack has been avoiding me. Not inviting me to Pack meetings. Not telling me about anything, not even a single hey in the hallway on our way to class.

I also can't sleep. Since nogitsune and my mom and being kidnapped and totured by Gerard, it changes things. My mental Health just went downhill from there.

I have anxiety, major depression, insomnia, a some sort of nightmare disorder and major Social Anxiety.

Great. Just great.

Right now im in class. Class. The worst part of the day. People staring at you, juging you, insult you or just simply laugh at you.

The only ones that knows about my mental health Is my dad and just some of the teachers.

The bell rung and I rushed out of class and got outside.

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take school anymore, the glances, the stares... all of it. Im sick and tired of it.

I see the Pack walking over to me. Fuck. I Don't want them here. I have to get out of this place. And that fast.

I jump Into my jeep and I see the Pack calling for me but i ignore them. I drove away.

After a few minutes i was home and i jumped out of my car and got inside.

I can't take it. I can't take it. I can't take it. Im weak. Im the weakest. I have to sing before I do something stupid. So i found the original song I wrote some days ago and I got ready to sing.

Slow Death ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now