seven days

1 0 0

First day you laid eyes on me

The second your look was

filled with jealousy

On the third day

we were meant to be

I swear to you

On the fourth day,

Everyone cheered for us

Five days in our room

I wake up to six missed calls

After seven we will give our all

Seven days of bitterness

Seven days of Hurting

Seven day of joy

Seven days og Happy ever after

Seven days of happnies we never knew

We go on the merry go round

And go ronud and round over and over again 
Like a perfect disaster

If you settle for safe
Hearts will never be broken
Is Life no worth so much more ?
It could a boring mistake 
After all people say it is 

Better to have loved and lost, 

than never loved at all

Real love aches too

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