July 11th, 2020

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This time, when I heard the Orange alert was back on, I was tripping balls. 

Hiding away for a weekend party on LSD, in a little town called Manzanillo. The very last little town down the road of the Costa Rican South Caribbean shore, before the Panama border. 

A friend had picked me up from Puerto Viejo around noon, and we rolled to his house where a bunch of other trippy friends and neighbours were meant to join for a potluck pizza party. 

By the time the first pizza got out of the oven, I was high as a kite and unable to eat. 

I went to cool off a little bit and layed on the wet hammock under the tree. Wet because of the tropical shower that had just turned this outdoor party into an indoor party. 

Appeared to me, in the waving branches, several versions of myself, several moments of my life, key moments, fun moments, important decisions, hard times... all those parts of me, each and every single little decision I made in my life, has brought me to this moment, laying in a wet hammock, tripping balls and feeling blessed.  A sudden warmth brightened my gut, as I felt deeply grateful and proud of myself. I created this reality. This is MY LIFE. 

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