Chapter 4: New Friends, Old Foes

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Bendy looked out of the airship and saw all of Vale. He knew that if there was one Chaos Emerald here, the rest were probably here too. Bendy saw all the sights, and saw so many places. But that also meant that there were also more places to search. Oh well, every upside has a downside.


Bendy followed the voice until he saw a familiar woman.

"Yang?" asked Bendy. Yang turned around and saw Bendy.

"Bendy?" she asked, "You got into Beacon too?"

"Yeah, I just got in last night."

Yang then chuckled.

"What's so funny?" asked Bendy.

"Nothing," replied Yang, "it's just amazing that you got into a school you never heard of."

Bendy sighed, "You're never going to let that, go are?"


"I heard you said your little sister is coming to Beacon too?"


"Yang, who are you talking to?" came a new voice.

Bendy looked past Yang and saw a familiar red hooded girl.


"BENDY!?!" she squealed, as she hugged him, "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"You too Rubes. Say, aren't you a bit young to be in Beacon?"

"Yeah, Professor Ozpin let me in 2 years early."

Wow, thought Bendy, she must be a real good fighter if she got in 2 years early.

"You two know each other?" asked Yang.

"We met last night," said Ruby.

"Hey, I'm gonna look around a bit," he said to the girls.

"Sure, see you around," the sisters said.

Bendy looked around and saw a news bulletin.

"In other words, another peaceful Faunus protest went violent as the White Fang came and attacked the police. There were reports of multiple robots being lead by an obese pig faunus."

That sentence stopped Bendy right in his tracks. He then shook the feeling off and continued walking. But the thought of that sentence was in the back of his mind. Did he just find Bootleg Bart after he disappeared? If he did, what was Bart up to? What robotic beast could he...

"HEY!!" A combination of being bumped and a yell broke his thoughts. He looked up and saw a woman with a white dress and hair, with it in a side ponytail, who seemed to be scolding him.

"Sorry," said Bendy, "I was just in deep thought about the news bulletin."

"Oh," said the girl, sarcastically, "of course a Faunus like you would support the White Fa..."

"No not that one, the one with the pig faunus. I think I might know who it is, but he's been dead for five months."

"Who do you think it is?"

"A crazed engineer who went mad on world domination after his parents were killed by humans. He was once a kind and caring guy. Had a little diner that his parents built for his birthday. But five years after the grand opening, he was spending time with his parents, but they were all attacked and badly injured. He survived, but lost his leg and went crazy after he heard his parents didn't make it. He then went on a rampage through the hospital and killed many humans. He escaped, and got a peg leg. After that, he worked within the engineering department, and hired some goons who called themselves the Butcher Gang. Contains a man named Charlie, a sailor named Barley, and a little spider...Faunus named Edgar. Ever since Bart got into the world conquest business, he made all who opposed him grovel at his remaining foot. Because of that, he earned the name, Bootleg Bart. I have fought against him with my friends. But one day, he just disappeared without a trace for 5 months. No letter, no robots to protect his hideout, not even the Butcher Gang to keep his operations going. But an obese pig faunus leading a bunch of robots, it might be Bart."

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