Cloud Shmidt

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" Hi hello yes"

Name: Cloud Shmidt

Nicknames: Fluffy

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Place Of Birth: Berlin Germany

Date Of Birth: May 17th

Zodiac: Taurus

Race: German

Languages They Speak: English & German

Sexuality: Pansexual

Natural Hair Color: Black

Current Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel

Allergies: Pollen

Personality: a bit slow, he doesn't catch onto things very quickly. Nice :). Low-key a little angel.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 145lbs

Parents: Both mom & Dad

Siblings: none

Strong Hand: Left

Favorite Color: White

Favorite Food: Beef rolls

Habits: nothing out of the ordinary, checks his phone a lot even if he knows he has no messages

Powers/ Strengths: Can get around places very easily without being noticed

Relationships: uhhh...

Child(ren): None

Likes: a lot of things-

Dislikes: Disrespect towards women

Phobia/Disability: none

Pets: none

Overall: He's so sweet! A cuddle bug. Will take you on a date every 2 days to show his appreciation (even if ya'll just friends). 

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