chapter 10

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Xavier's POV
I wonder where Claire is

Heather just joined us and Claire is no where to be seen

I quickly check the hallways and classes
And they are all empty
I hope nothing as happened
I think I should check the toilets

I check the boys toilet but she isn't there then I hope she is in girls
As I enter the the toilet I see the most shocking sight of my life my
piccola sprawled on the floor unconscious with bruises on her face

"Little one wakeup"I say

But no reply
I carry her in bridal style to the clinic

The nurse take care of her
And she later wakes up

"Xav what happened?" She whispers innocently

"Do you know what happened , come to look for you and the next thing I see on the fucking floor unconscious" I yell

And she flinches

"Sorry you just scared me,don't ever do that again si,"I say

"Sorry it was just heather and her problems and no need to panic get like this even at the slightest punch"she rambles

"Heather did this to you, I'll kill her"I mutter

"No Xav don't ,I know you can do it but don't"she pleads with a pout

"Fine" I sigh

The nurse takes care of her bruises

"You are coming home with me Claire and no arguments' I tell her

"But my parents"she mumbles

"I know, we'll stop there to pack some things"I reply

"OK have you told Nadine and sabrina? She asks

"Nope I'll just text them, so let's go"I say as I carry her in bridal style

"I can walk you know"she blushes

"No not in this condition"I say

And she snuggles up to my chest to hide her blush

She's still adorable even in this situation

I pass the hallway and go to the park lot

And enter my car
Then I place her on the passenger sit and buckle her sit belt

And I get inside the car
And drive off

At Claire's home

"So let's go"I say and help her inside
Inside the house

"Nicki pls I'll be taking Claire to my house"I tell her mom

"Oh what happened to you Claire"her mum questions

"Mum just a bruise"she replies

"Claire you can go upstairs Xavier will join you later"her mum tells her

"Yeah sure"she mumbles then limps upstairs

"Xavier you have to take care of Claire well , she is a very fragile kid"her mum tells me

"Yeah I figured it because of her stature"I  reply

"Yeah you were right,just take care of her and you can take her to your house at any time ,I trust you but don't break her heart"her mum says

"Thank you ma'am and Claire and I aren't dating" I tell her

"Yeah sure if you say so"she says leaving

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