Chapter 18: Boobear/Louis

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Harry's POV:

I woke up to my phone ringing. Without looking at the caller ID I answered

"Hello" I answered groggily

"I hate you" it was Louis.

"Wh-oh. Lottie get my text?" I asked

"Yeah she did" he said

"Are you mad?" I asked

"I want to be, but I'm not." He answered

"Do they like everything?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure they love you more than me"

"No they don't, they love you more. But, I might I love you just as much as they love you" I said laying down

"Maybe, but I love you more than they love you"

"I can't fight you with that"

"Merry Christmas, Haz" he said

"Merry Christmas, Boo. I love you" I answered

"Love you too, we'll talk later" he said

"Alright bye"

"Bye" then the line went dead and Gemma bursted in my room.

"C'mon lazy bum, we've been waiting for you to get you're arse out of bed" she said the left.

I stretched then pulled in a shirt and sweatpants.

I left my phone and walked downstairs to find my family.

* * * *

Me and Gemma each got 3 presents. One from each other and one from Mum and Rob, then from our dad.

I asked for shirts and pants since I hardly have any for my job.

I opened up Gemma's and it was full of Twix bars.

"That's what Louis got-" I cut myself off

"Who's Louis?" My mum asked

"Uh...a r-really close friend of mine?" I said more of a question

"Alright" they didn't buy it and I'm screwed.

Me and Gem got each Rob, our mum, and our dad a present but our dad is at his house.

I got mum some new earrings and a necklace than I got Rob a new watch and my dad a new phone because he has a crappy flip phone.

I thanked mum, Rob, and Gem the went and put my stuff in my room.

I walked back downstairs. "Mum, s'alright if I take a shower?"

"Of course darling"

I walked back upstairs to take a shower.

Right before I went in my sister slapped me.

"Ow! That the fucking hell Gemma?!"

"Way to spill Louis to mum and Rob"

"Yeah, I'm screwed"

"Yeah you are, you gotta tell them"

"I know, I will. Now can I take a shower?" I asked

"Yes" she turned and went downstairs.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and body since I probably still had sex all over me since I haven't taken a shower since yesterday mornings

I got out and walked to my room.

"Harry!" I Mum called as soon as I pulled my shirt over my head.

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