Chapter 1. The Host Club

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 The week has been going so well so far, me and my sister got accepted into Ouran Highschool. It's  a school for the rich and "beautiful" their play ground as some may put it, I say it's just a big pink school for rich people, I still can't get over the fact that the school is PINK but whatever. Me and my sister were getting ready for school since we didn't have the money for the school uniforms.

I just picked my dark boy jeans, that have a chain on it , my navy blue t-shirt with my black hoddy and black leather jacket, with my navy DC shoes on. I also put in my piercing's, I put  a black stud in my right ear with it's silver clip to the top of the ear than the same with my left ear but that one  had a blue stud instead. After I was done I went to wake up my sister, Haruhi but she was not there, I went down stairs and I couldn't see her. I saw a note  on the counter from her.

Dear Shadow

I went to school early, I had to study for a test so i went early. Sorry for leaving  you there, if you are looking for me, I will be in one of the library's, there are four of them so you may have to try and find me  but hey it's like a game right? Anyway see you at school


After reading the note i giggled, she knows i love a good game. Smiling to  my self I put my hood up and stepped out of thre house, locking it after word. Walking  to school with my bag (that I almost forgot this morning) slung over my one shoulder, looking around to remember the way.

A few minutes later the big pink building appeared, getting bigger as I got closer, walking through the gates I looked around, I saw the  boys had on this light blue suit while the girls had the light bright yellow dresses. I  hated the dress, it may look cute on others but it wasn't  my taste in clothing.

I also noticed that their was a group of girls looking my way, pointing and whispering. I could tell by the  looks they were trying to hide, that they  were woundering why I was here. To Them I looked like a twelve year old, not like a blame them, I did look really young for my age.

After a while of standing there I walked towards the front doors, and to office. Once there I got my timetable







After I checked it to  my liking and making sure they didn't mess it up with anyone else's, I went to look for  my little sister. I hope she  doesn't get into any trouble, god knows that she is so clumsy at times, a smile stretched across my face just thinking about it . Giggling, I started to skip down the hallway to find her my bag was hopping with me on my back, just then I remembered something , I stopped and took my bag off, opening it up I pulled out  my blue bunny Lucky. I never go anywhere with out her, my mom got her for me before she died. Just thinking about it was now 4 years  since she died, giving a small smile I started on my little search.

********************************************** 3 minutes later***************************************************

 After looking at the last libaray room, which was loud and full of people, I tried to think of where she could be. I then remember her  saying something about  a 3rd music room that is no longer in use, I figured I would  try looking  their for her. Walking  some where up the stairs and down  the hallways I eneded up in front of a door that said" Music room #3"

"I wonder if she is in here?" I place my one hand on the handle while the other was holding my bunny so it wouldn't fall. I slowly turned the handle, only to get a gust of rose petals in my face and a flash of light, at the same time hearing voices

"Welcome. "

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