The Truth About Kyla

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Adora's POV
It's been a full day ever since I've woken up and I still don't feel any better than when I was first concoius. Something amazing happened though; Catra said she love's me. I didn't really know how to respond at the time, but I didn't have to worry about that being as Catra was taken away by a doctor who demanded she needed surgery on her arm. What happened to her?
What's happening between us? I don't exactly know right now, but I should soon. Catra's in my hospital room with her curled up at the foot of my bed, just like at the horde. She seemed so tired after the surgery it seemed weird to see her so groggy and delirious.
After minutes of watching Criminal Minds as Catra slept, she finally began to wake up. She opened her eyes then rubbed them before locking her gaze on me. "You're up" I laugh a little. I stop myself, though, because laughing hurts right now.
"Yeah" is her only reply.
"I love your haircut" I say.
She touches her hair with the unbroken arm before saying, "Well... thanks." She curls back up and gazes at the ground.
She looks broken, like something's wrong. Before I know what I'm doing, I say, "I love you too." Catra shoots up immediately.
"I said-" She leaps up and kisses me, and I do not stop her. Poor Glimmer, what am I going to tell her?
Catra jumps off of me and I see Glimmer, standing in the doorway in a wheelchair, Bow right behind her. "Glimmer, I-" I start. How do I tell her something without hurting Catra's feelings.
"Save it" she says, spite fueling her I'm sure. "You are just like Kyla. Bow wheel me out. Oh, and Adora, don't bother coming see us at lunch." Bow does as he's told, Glimmer mumbling "Bitch."
The next day
Catra doesn't leave me, and I'm extremely grateful for that. Ever since Glimmer caught me basically cheating on her, I was sure that I have no more friends, except for the one girl who relied on me, Catra. "I'm sorry" Catra said one day. Who is this person? Is Catra okay?
But I can't only have Catra. Well, I don't want only Catra, and I don't want to abandon Glimmer, so I decide to go see her and apologize. Once Catra had settled down for a nap, I decided to try and get up. It wasn't exactly easy, and walking hurt, but luckily Glimmer's room is right next to mine. I peer through the window and see that the only other person with Glimmer is Bow, so I knock on the door. "Come in" Bow says, so I do just that.
"Adora, you shouldn't be walking" Glimmer says, but catches herself. "Not that I would care."
"Adora" Bow now talks. "What do you need."
"Look" I start. "I just wanted to say that I am an awful person and that I shouldn't have let Catra kiss me unless I broke up with you. I'm so sorry. So, so, so, so, soooo sorry."
"Well then" Glimmer says. "I guess we're broken up then."
"Yeah, I guess. But Glimmer, there are so many better people in the world for you. Better than Catra's mouse, like me. You need someone better, like, oh I don't know, Bow."
Bow looks taken aback at my statement. "Me! W-why me!"
"Chill out, I was just using you as an example" I reply. I think someone has a crush on Glimmer. "Also, what's up with this Kyla girl. What happened that I'm like her?"
"I'm going to tell you" Glimmer starts. "But just because I want you to know how awful you are. Just like her. Anyway, me and Kyla dated for a while and things were pretty normal, but sometime when we were dating her dad got really sick and her family didn't have the money to pay for most of his medications. Anyway, she didn't tell me this until a week before we broke up, which was how I put two and two together about what she did. Anyway, we had a sleepover one time after I told her that my family might be able to contribute some money for her dad, but it seems she wasn't satisfied. So that night-"
"Wait" Bow interrupts. "Can I tell this part. It's my favorite."
"This happened to me in real life Bow, how is this amusing to you! Whatever, you can tell it."
"Sorry. Anyway, while Glimmer's sleeping, Kyla snuck into Mrs. Angella's office and stole a ton of money that was left in a desk drawer. The next day, Mrs. Angella was livid. And that exact day is the day Kyla broke up with Glimmer, then she left three days later, the same day Glimmer's dad, um, you know. Died"
What did I just hear? Did some girl really steal money from her friend like that? I don't know what to say for a while, until I finally get out, "I'm so sorry for you Glimmer."
"Its okay" she sighs. "I'm just happy that you aren't that devious.
"Glimmer, she isn't-" Bow starts
"No, she's right" I say. "I am a bad person. But at least I'm able to forgive and try to make amends. Glimmer, I still want to be your friend. No matter what. Maybe not now, and I get that, but I still want to be with you, just not with you. You know?"
"Yeah, I guess" she says. "Well, I guess you now know the truth about Kyla."
Helloooo! How is everyone? I wanted to get this chapter out really soon since the last one took forever and a million years, so yeah. Anyway, I just wanted to say I have never been in a car accident and I hope to never be in one, so I don't really know how to accurately put things in this chapter, so I'm making things pretty vague. Anyway, I'm getting really close to the end of this story, so I guess that's a little sad, but everything's gotta end, doesn't it. Well, I guess that's it and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
Without wax,
Wowza, this story is almost over

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