PART 1 - The Bar

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You were beyond wasted.

Earlier in the day, your boss, Tomura Shigaraki, requested that all current and primary members of League of Villains assemble for a meeting. You were very hopeful it would pertain to your favorite Hero Killer, Stain, but to your dismay it was just formalities and organizing action squads to carry out various trivial tasks. Supposedly these tasks had some higher purpose, but you felt that it was a waste of time. You wanted to be out, fulfilling Stain's will, not running errands for some crusty stranger with a power complex.

In fact, the more you thought about it, every other member in the League was some stranger whom you're expected to put up with with no questions asked.

The only one whom you developed some half-assed relationship with was Dabi, and you still barely knew a think about him. He'd hint at some of his secrets to you, but he never really opened up. He just seemed to tolerate you more than others and be willing to speak to you about non-work related things.

Everyone else: they were strangers to each other, at least as far as you knew. Blind trust was never something you believed in, and if it wasn't for their leader being affiliated with Stain, you wouldn't be there.

While you moped around, an idea popped in your head, causing you to lighten up.

At the end of the meeting, you suggested to a few of the League of Villains members go out for a drink.

Although most of them refused at first, you made a quite the convincing argument that persuaded them otherwise. You stated that the League recruited members from every dark corner there was, and we've been expected to work alongside one another without really knowing anything about each other.

"I don't know about you, but I can't just trust anyone that walks through our base doors on an invite offered by people I barely know. Although most of us may share a common goal, there's no telling if any of the members have ulterior motives. We need more camaraderie if this alliance we have is going to work." You proclaimed.

There were still those who could care less, but there were a few others that seemed to share your trust issues. Still, when you offered to take everyone out for drinks, very few of them stepped forward, putting you in an awkward spotlight.

In effort to save face, you shrugged off the lack of volunteers and said, "You don't have to decide now. If you do want to joint me a few rounds paid for by yours truly, feel free to meet me at Witz End on Friday night."

When you arrived, there was not another member in site, and you sat by yourself in a barstool for an unbearably long hour before your first companion pulled up a seat next to you: Twice. He pulled up a seat next to you and ordered Bourbon as you sipped on your third "just surprise me" request the bartender gave you.

A few minutes later, Toga joined out little party, and when she realized you were already several drinks in, she made it a point to order two shots of vodka and a Mojito.

Spinner briefly stopped by for a beer or two before he said he had to head out because of other late-night plans, and on his way out, Dabi strolled into the bar entrance.

His ocean blue eyes surveyed the room until they stumbled on you, throwing back two, back-to-back shots like they were water. He couldn't help but smile at the way you cheered yourself on; you're cheeky, tooth-filled grin seemed to have a radiant glow that attracted him like a moth to a flame. His feet carried him toward you before he even realized what he was doing.

As he narrowed in on your seat at the bar, the others came into his focus. Twice and Toga, sat to your right, laughing a long side you, cheeks flushed red and composure no where in site. One-foot angled back at the door as he contemplated if dealing with Toga was worth it. Twice, he could put up with for your sake, but the other one—the thought gave him a migraine.

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