I'd Catch a Grenade for You

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    Bridget's P.O.V.

                 Those words repeated in my head over and over again. Your parents were in an accident. Brody and Ava rode with me to the hospital. Ava drove my car and I sat in the back with Brody. I didn't want to be alone.

"They're going to be fine." Brody says giving me a reassuring hug.

"I hope." I say trying to catch my breath after crying.

"They will, you'll see."

              I wish Charlie was here with me. I had called him and he was going to meet us at the hospital. Soon we arrive at the hospital and I get updated on what happened and how they were doing.

             They were on their way home when a drunk driver ran a light and hit the passenger side, the side my mom was on. My dad is doing fine and just has some minor injuries, but my mom, she has a broken rib and her right leg is broken.

           After a while Charlie arrives and runs and gives me a hug and a kiss on the head.

"I'm sorry Bridget, i'm sorry I wasn't there with you." He says.

"It's ok Charlie you-" He cuts me off.

"No it's not, it's your birthday I needed to be with you."

             We went back into the waiting room and I sat down next to Brody.

"Bridget you can see your parents now." The nurse says.

            I walk into their room and I shed a tear.

"Mom, dad."

"Oh Bridget, Hi." Mom says.

"Hi mom. Hi dad." I say crying.

"Oh honey, don't cry." Dad says.

"How can I not cry!" I say. "Look at you guys."

               I run and give them both a hug. After we talk for a while the nurse comes in and tells me that  they need to rest and askes me to to please leave. So I walk back out there and Charlie wasn't  there because he had came in while I was talking to my parents and told me that his mom wanted him home and Ava was tired and so Charlie took her home on his way home. It was just Brody. When I leave my parents' room I look at Brody he's writing some thing. He sees me and puts it in his pocket and comes up to me.

"Are you ready?" He askes me.

"Yeah and umm Brody,"


"Can you umm stay with me tonight I really don't want to be alone tonight."

"Yeah sure." He says with a smile.

"Thanks." I say smiling back.

            While we were in the car one of my favorite songs Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble comes on and first I start huming to it and then Brody starts starts to sing it. I laugh at him and then I start to sing with him.

"Nice singing Brody." I say laughing when the songs over.

"Thanks." He says with his big beautiul smile.

                 When we get back to my house I put Twilight Saga: Eclipse in and I sit on the couch next to Brody under a blanket and I fall asleep.

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