Chapter 1: Outbreak

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It was just another day at high school. Class, nasty school lunch, and your typical groups of people. Marianna, or Mari, a 17 year old brunette who took good care of herself, had just gotten done with lunch and was now headed to class with her boyfriend, Jacob.

"Babe, watch this." He whispered to her. As they passed by Miles, the nerd who was well known because of their prank they did on him last year that resulted in a visible scar that went down his right eye, Jake knocked his notebook out his hand. "C'mon Jake." Miles sighed as he went for his notebook.

Jake put his foot on it, making it hard for Miles to pick it up. He pushed Miles back and picked the notebook up. "Give it back." Miles sighed. Jake opened the notebook and looked in amusement. "Babe, leave him alone. We're gonna be late for class." Mari spoke. "She look familiar?" Jake asked as showed Mari what was in the notebook.

Mari stared in shock as a splitting image of her was shown in Miles' notebook. "Little Miles has a crush on you." Jake teased him. "Can I just have my notebook back?" Miles asked with aggression. "What was that?" Jake asked as he looked at Miles. "Can I please have it back?" Miles asked more softly this time.

Jake went to give it back but stopped and smirked. "Go fetch." He said as he threw the notebook down the hall. Miles shook his head and walked away. "That was really mean." Mari told Jake. "I don't care. He needs to know boundaries." He said. "Boundaries? All he did was draw me in his notebook. Where's the harm in that?" Mari asked, confused.

Before Jake could say anything, the bell rung. "Let's go." Mari said, grabbing Jake's hand and leading him to class. They entered and sat in their normal seats. As class went on, the beep of the intercom suddenly sounded. Everyone ignored it, expecting it to be just some kid going home. "Attention teachers, at this time, please release all students from class and to the front of this school in a organized fashion. I repeat, please release all students from class and to the front of the school." The principal announced, a little panicked.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, even the teacher. "This early?" Mari asked. "Yes! Early weekend break." Jake cheered, causing Mari to roll her eyes. Everyone gathered their things and gathered by the door. Mari listened as everyone asked everyone questions about what was happening.

They made it to the front and waited for further instructions. A whistle was blown, silencing everyone. "Ok! I need people who ride buses on this side, and people who have their own form of transportation on this side!" The security guard yelled. Mari and Jake made it to the side opposite of the bus kids, due to Jake having a car.

"Ok! People with their own form of transportation, please leave the building immediately and go straight home!" The guard yelled. Confused, Jake and Mari made their way out and to the car. They got in, along with their five other friends.

There was Carson. Blonde, blue eyes and built. Lyla. Black hair, green eyes with a similar build to Mari. Andrew or Drew. Brown hair, blue eyes and built. You could easily mistake him as being Carson's brother. Then Katie. Redhead, green eyes, and just like Mari. And Patrick. Just like Carson and Jake. Except black haired with brown eyes.

"Anybody know what's going on?" Mari asked. No one answered. Mari's phone rang. Assuming it's her mother, she answered.


"Mari? Sweetheart, where are you?"

"Going home."

"Ok. Good. When you get there, lock the door and-" the phone cuts off.

"Hello? Hello?" Mari asks. She looked at her phone and sighed. "Great. No service." She said. "Jake, turn on the radio." Carson said. Jake did as he was told and we listened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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