My Feelings

48 11 7

Being compared sucks !
Being perfect sucks !
Being hurt sucks !
Being useless sucks !
Being weak sucks !

Comparing me with others all the time
Have you ever thought how much it hurts ?
Have you ever thought how I might feel ?
Have you ever thought about my feelings ?
Have you ever thought about my pain ?

The words which you say cuts me like a knife
The looks which you give me tears my heart apart
The scoldings which you give me makes me feel useless
The insults which you throw at me makes me feel weak

I want to cry but my tears don't come out
I want to scream but my voice doesn't come out
I want to run away but my legs doesn't move
I want to forget but my mind doesn't allow it

I pretend to be happy
I pretend to be good
I pretend to smile
I pretend to be the one I'm not
I just pretend for you

You always force your opinions and decisions on me
You always want me to listen to you
You always hurt me and insult me
You always compare me with others

You never understood my feelings
You never understood my pain
You never understood me

Everyday I'm dying from inside because of you
Everyday I feel pain in my heart because of you
Everyday I cry secretly because of you
Everyday I feel weak and useless because of you

Still with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart
I will smile and say ," I love you " because you are my parents
And I know you just want my good and nothing else

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~

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