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Dark hazel eyes were glued to the screen, following the movements made by the pixelated character in sight. He rested his arm over his childhood friend's shoulder, watching intently as the latter slayed his final boss. The loud sound effect of success beamed from the console as soon as his blond-haired friend claimed his victory on the battlefield.
"Thank god, finally!" The one with black hair, dark as the shade of night rejoiced, lightly slapping his buddy's shoulder. "When you said to wait till you finish this sickening game before practice, I didn't expect you'd take a solid 2 hours to do so, Kenma."
He shook his head in dissatisfaction, reaching forwards to shut down the PS4 console. Kenma Kozume simply gave him a look of disgust, before mumbling,
"Who told you to stay and wait for me anyway?"

Upon hearing those words, the tall male named Kuroo Tetsuroo shot him an irked expression yet he managed to smirk through his sentence.
"You know damn well if I left you here to rot in your pile of games, you'd never head over to Volleyball practice."

Kenma rolled his eyes and proceeded to change into his sports attire. "Yeah, yeah, let's just go." He added a little nasty remark as spite, "I'd die if I have to spend another second hearing your nags."

Snickering, Kuroo held pride in torturing his petite friend. As he gave space for the blond to get ready, he laid on the bed, scrolling through Twitter. Nothing seems to be interesting at the moment, not a single gossip even worth stalking. He huffed under his breath, impatient.


The soft notification ring coming from the Nintendo Switch Lite next to his head grabbed his attention. His hands wrapped around the small device as he peeked into the contents. He read the notification with curious eyes. A friend request? Pressing on the user's profile, he eyed all the information available. The profile picture shows a picture of a skull with red glowing eyes, location details locked at Miyagi and the user is said to have been using this account since 5 years ago. Kuroo peeked to his friend still busy packing his water bottles in a bag. A devilish smile made its way to his lips, he knew how much Kenma despised making new friends, especially when it involves his gaming account.

< accept > < decline >

= l = o = a = d = i = n = g =

"Ah, he accepted my friend request!" You couldn't believe what you saw, even though it was as clear as day. This unknown person whom you've been teamed up with on several random online gaming sessions since three months ago, finally decided to accept you as an ally. You've sent him several friend requests in the past but to no avail. He never seemed to appreciate the times you've spent playing multiplayer on Fortnite together, rejecting all the previous attempts you made to befriend his freaking talented gaming ass. Today was different though, did he press it on accident or is he finally acknowledging your true gaming skills? The thought continued to run through your mind as you watered your flowers in Animal Crossing. As if on cue to your curious thoughts, an incoming message notification popped up on the device in your hands. You quickly pressed the message and read,

Oya? What're you up to?

You stared blankly on your Nintendo Switch, unsure of what to expect. Based on your previous experiences playing co-op with him in various games, he definitely isn't the type to put his nose in someone's business. He rarely talks through his mic when it's live gaming sessions too, save for the exceptional few curses under his breath when an enemy does a sneak strike on him. The fact that he finally accepted your friend request after so long is sketchy enough, but right now? You were wrecking your brains trying to decipher his behaviour. Strangely enough, your gut feeling was screaming at you to reply his question.  You carefully contemplated your choices before slowly typing up a response. Squinting your eyes in focus, you didn't even realise a figure opening your door room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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