Chapter three

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this girl had just walked away from her friends and had started coming towards me. i was so confused. what did she want, "what if ive done something wrong" i kept thinking

she had got to my desk and set her bag on the desk next to me

She smiled and said "Hi im sophie"

"Hi im Olivia, but you can call me liv"

"hi liv, its nice to meet you. are you new here?"

"yeah i just moved from england" i was so nervous speaking to her, i hadn't spoke to anyone yet they had all just brushed me off like i wasnt really there.

"thats so great, england seems so nice i want to travel there one day"

"its not tha-"

i was cut off by the bell and a rather large teacher walked in, his arms full of books. He stepped over to his desk and plonked himself down on the spinny chair.

When class was over me and sophie walked to class wtih each other, she was so nice and she was so friendly.

At break we sat together on a bench outside and in the corner of my eye i saw this guy start to walk towards us, he looked like a jock, who was this guy and why was he walking towards us?

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