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"What's that feeling? I had when I saw that Rouge" Mew thought himself . He was happy that he found his dear daughter, who he lost a week before. But he thought "who is that rouge? Why am I getting hurt to see him cry? My heart racing after long time. No! I don't like that. I don't want that but how all that is possible? I can't smell him why? What's with the pain in his eyes? Why I feel so bad for him".

He was so confused with his thoughts. He want to know the answer. He believes elders only knows the answers so he stroll towards the door, there hii son Mil hugged his leg, he duck down to see him. Little boy smiled brightly. He picked him in his arms.

He voice out with his childish voice. "Dad. Where is my sister??"

Mew said him. "He is with healers dear. They were checking her. Once they confirmed she is ok. You can meet her."

He nodded his head faster and said. "Ok. dad". 

Then he explained  cute boy. "Ok. you play in your room. Dad had some meeting with Elders."

He  nodded, jumped out of his arms ran to playroom. He went to Elders mansion. They came to living room to see him. Even he was Alpha leader of this pack. If any important thing he always discuss with elders and with his trusted betas.

He was already with his trusted betas Dew and Sin. They all greeted him as well as he. They  all  settled down.

He voiced out first. "We found Mila."

Elder Scot answered him with little bow. "We heard Alpha. All thanks to moon goddess".

Mew spoke again. "I found her with a Rouge".

Elder Jane piped out "Is that Rouge here??"

He answered her. "Of course. I arrested him. But!"

With his shuttered word. Elder Kim asked with worried face. "What happened Alpha??"

His Beta Dew answered before him. "We can't smell him".

Elder Rose suggest. "May be he used herb of scent hidder".

I exclaimed with her suggestion and spoke out. "Is the thing really exist?!!"

Elder Scot said "Of course, it exist but it's rare unless, he is experienced he can't find one".

Beta Sin said them. "But he is a kid."

With his words Elder Kim surprised and beamed. "Kid..!!??"

Mew sighed and said. "Maybe nineteen or twenty."

Then Elder Jane asked. "How is this possible.. !!??"

Again Elder Rose suggest. "Let's see him. I think the herb will long last. It's already evening. If we smelland see him. we can come to conclusions."

Elder Kim accepted her suggestion and said to her. "You are right."

By hearing this alpha just turned his gaze to Dew. He understood and left. They all asking about Mila's conditions to their pack leader. He was explaining to them.

In a while, he felt a strong smell of raindrops with berries. Making his alpha growl, his eyes went in daze. Elders were seeing his changes with panic.  His alpha hormones were emitting strong aroused smell. Even he can fell it. the rain mixed berry scent is getting heavy.

His alpha is growling to make the scent his. His heart was racing and  aching same time. He thought "No.! not again. I don't want this. No!!..." With his inner confusion.

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