The perfect Shot

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He knew that he had to be quiet, sensing the movement and smell of an animal coming close. Every muscle in his nervous body was tense, but his sweaty hands, holding the bow, were steady. The antilope's head shot up, sensing the danger, but it was to late. Juma had already released the deadly arrow. He threw the antilope over his back , like a bag of feathers. Nobody would have expected, that he was that strong. on his way back, his black skin didn't mind the hot sun burning down on him.

Suddenly, he heard women screaming; he dropped the dead antilope and ran towards his hut. He stumbled over dead bodies, not realizing what was going on. His eyes saw his dead wife outside their home and as he reached out for his crying children, he felt strong hands pulling him backwards. His ears were filled with words he couldn't understand.

Juma felt nothing but pain while leaving his hopeless children and his wife's dead body behind. Although he didn't know what was happening or where he was taken; he knew exactly that he had to revenge, what happened to his village.

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