chapter one

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I had I had only fifteen minutes left. My frantic steps didn't match the speed of my breathing. Now I was just beginning to become anxious.

The boxes and suitcases that line the perimeter of my room seemed to mock me. Today was the day that everyone waits for in their lives, the day that is the pathway to new beginnings, but I, on the other hand, was exasperated by it all.

My eyes gazed over my whole entire bedroom that I had spent the last eighteen years in, scanning for anything I had mistakenly forgotten. They locked on the digital clock beside my bed.


Now I was really becoming really stressed. I tried to ignore the repeating blares of the car horn outside. In a hasty attempt I lifted each box and carried it down the stairs in front of the entrance door.

This time the car horns became even more emphatic, raising my low-tolerance levels. I placed one of my last boxes on top of the stack and vigorously opened the door, taking a few steps on the lawn in my bare feet.

"What the hell Louis?"

He rolled his window down and stuck his head out, revealing his Ohio State sweatshirt and baseball hat.

"What took you so long Carmen? We are going to be late!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Can you at least help me with these boxes?"

Louis grunts and finally gets out of the car, lifting what feels like a hundred boxes into the trunk.

"You know, you're lucky you have a best friend like me," he says playfully, giving me a nudge.

I just laugh and get back into the car. Louis and I have been close since middle school. He had told me he had a feeling he was gay since 8th grade, but it took him till junior year of high school to admit it to his homophobic parents. They scolded him and didn't want anything to do with him. It was at this point that he needed me more than ever, so I accepted him and gave him all support. Since then, Louis has been like a brother to me, and I couldn't ask for a better best friend. We've been looking forward to attending Ohio State together for years. I can't believe it's finally happening.

I'm brought out of my deep reminiscing when I glimpse at the time in the car.


"Louis, now we're gonna be really late. C'mon, we have to go!"

We then make the 10 minute trip to school. It's unbelievably convenient that we live this close to college, considering the fact we can stop by our homes whenever.

Louis slowly pulls up into the main entrance, looking up in astonishment. Hoards of freshmen shuffled across the green and under the tents in front of their dorm building.

He parked the car right by my dorm, Morrison. I had an unfamiliar feeling churning in my stomach. Nerves mixed with exhilaration tossed around inside of me.

"I don't remember it being this big when we went on the tour."

"I mean it is one of the biggest universities, but I think we will do just fine."

Louis helped me put my boxes into a cart and we both pushed it towards the freshmen administration tent. I was greeted by a peppy blond haired girl, who was most likely an upperclassmen. Her enthusiasm caused a weird look to plaster on Louis' face.

"Uh, hi. I'm Carmen Gates, and I am in Morrison."

"Hi Carmen! Im Katy. Since you already registered online all you have to do is sign in and unload. Harry is over there and will help you with that."

Katy gestures to her right, and I am met with a pair of piercing green eyes.

Harry wears a chunky white sweater and black skinny jeans. He has a mop of tousled brown curls and plump pink lips that I can't help but stare at. He wears a blank yet exasperated expression on his face, and I'm immediately intimidated. I slowly reach my hand out to introduce myself, but he just stares at it as if he's seen a ghost.

"Alright then," I mumble under my breath. He seems to notice and gives me a stare of annoyance.

"Let's just get this over with."

I can't help but notice his deep British accent. I wondered why he's in Columbus, but I'm certainly not going to ask.

"Morrison is down the path and to the right of the library, and you're in room 20. Can I leave now?"

Katy gives Harry a death glare and he just huffs in frustration.

"No Harry, now take Carmen to her room."

Harry hesitantly picks up a few boxes and starts walking. I grab my bags and trudge down the path, following him.

Harry starts walking down the pathway towards a large building. I look around the campus, and attempt to take in the fact that this is where I'll be for the next few years of my life.

Suddenly, I am brought out of my deep thought by that heavy British accent. "You coming or not?"

I sigh and wave to Louis, telling him we'll meet up again later. I start rolling the cart towards Harry, and following him to the hall

The whole walk down the campus we remained silent. It was an uncomfortable silence, which caused an unwelcoming affect as the outcome. I tried in little attempts to make this experience a little less awkward than it already was.

"So, are you an upperclassmen?"

He turned at me with expressionless eyes, appearing as very inscrutable. He then turned back around and continued walking.

We passed the library and rolled the cart to the entrance of my new dorm. I swiped my entrance card and waited until the clear glass dividers opened up, allowing me entrance into my new home.

We made it up our first flight of stairs and Harry quickly stopped walking and dropped the suitcases he had in his hands that didn't fit in the cart.

"Room twenty is the third door on the left."

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and began making his way down the hall leaving me with masses of boxes and suitcases to be left unpacked.

"Wait, Harry. Do you mind um, helping me unpack?"

I was astonished of what he simply said afterwards.

"I'd be glad to."


Hello everyone! This is our first fanfic, we are really excited to be writing this. We have a lot more planned for this story so keep reading! We will update regularly and frequently, otherwise we will keep you guys posted.

Hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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