Wet diaper

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Isabel: i wake up and realise I'm in a wet diaper I quickly run to my wardrobe and and do a terrible job at taping it i hope this work and chucked the used one in the bin and go downstairs

Julia: good morning sweetie are you dry

Isabel: yes

Julia: let me see oh wow you are but the tapes don't look like i did them that could either mean 2 things 1 you took it of at night or you wet your diaper and chucked it away

Isabel: yeah i took it of at night

Julia: oh good thing you didn't wet your self now ill be back just gonna hop to the bathroom real quick i go in and put the toilet roll in the bin when i see a wet diaper Isabel would you like to explain this

Isabel: okay i wet it

Julia: looks like your gonna have to wear them at night i made you breakfast ill go grab you a glass of water i put laxatives and diuretics in the water okay Isabel i'm gonna have a shower you eat

Isabel: i eat everything and drink the water i go to my room and watch some tiktoks after a few minutes i feel the need to poop and pee i run to the bathroom but mums in it please let me in

Julia: can you hold it im nearly done

Isabel: no im really struggling

Julia: 5 more minutes and im out

Isabel: ahhhhhh hurry

Julia: okay im done

Isabel: i didn't make it

Julia: so did you just oh god okay I'm putting you in a diaper

Isabel: what no you were taking forever

Julia: yes but big girls can hold it until their mum is done in the shower and you showed otherwise so common

Isabel: no

Julia: yes ill grab the stuff stay in the bathroom okay im gonna cut your clothes cause you wont be able to wear these again now lets wipe all the poop of you now go take a shower now ill put this away im leaving the door open if its locked then ill keep you in diapers 

Isabel: i take a shower and dry off my mum comes back and puts a diaper on me and some new clothes i feel so embarrassed because i'm in a diaper

Julia: so your probably wondering were your dad and sister are they went to your grandparents house and i was gonna wait for you to wake up mow this happens so we ain't making any stops so lets go i packed a little diaper bag for you and spare clothes now your car seats in your dads car but i still have Katelyn since she was a baby its like a normal one but just pink with a princess on it nothing to be ashamed of common ill buckle you in lets go now only a 2 hour drive

1 hour and 30 minutes later

Isabel: i need to pee

Julia: i said no stops we are 30 mins away

Isabel: my small bladder wont hold it that long

Julia: well you got a diaper on so its okay if you don't make it

Isabel: what no

Julia: then hope you can hold it

Isabel: i cant

Julia: looks like you went ill change you when we get to the house

Isabel: what so i have to sit i'm my own mess for 30 mins also how did you know

Julia: you belt is holding your skirt up also the orange lime goes blue when the baby pees

Isabel: im not a baby

Julia: yeah but the diapers are for baby's

Isabel: its getting cold and soggy

Julia: another 20 mins

Isabel: their is a gas station soon

Julia: thats on the other side of the road ill have to go of the motor way and around to go their that will add another 10 minutes to the journey

Isabel: fine

Julia: good girl look in the diaper bag their is some snacks in their

Isabel: why is their a baby milk full of milk in it

Julia: its for you don't want you making a mess with a normal cup okay we are here

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