Part 4: The Rampage

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Only when she stood alone in the alley did Red allow her face to display the grimace of pain that had remained just below the surface. Her shoulder screamed at her, while her back threatened to seize up, with the strain she put on the still-fresh wounds. She limped over to her discarded cloak and picked it up to grab the jar secreted within. She applied a small daub of Mrs. Garrity's ointment to the wound, and tore a small strip of her own tunic to bind it. She would need to return to her cave right away to bind it better, but at least this would hold long enough for her to get there.

A familiar scent tickled her nose. Red forgot her shoulder and lifted her head, sniffing harder as a breeze blew past her. It smelled of flowers, and oatmeal--the girl! The one missing a doll! Red tilted her head curiously. The scent came from somewhere beyond the town. Maybe the girl had dropped it higher in the crags without realizing it. No doubt Red could pick it up and place it somewhere obvious for the girl to find, along with a couple crimson hoods so she would know whom to credit. Red returned the jar to its pocket and fastened her cloak again. She turned her head a couple times to gain the direction of the scent, and followed it.

Up in the cliffs above the Town Square, she sniffed again, and another scent pervaded that made her lip curl.

Wolf; but not just any wolf. It was the same wolf she had taken down this morning. The same wolf that had worried the flock a half-dozen times before. It would always disappear too quickly for her to get after it, so Red would merely chase it until she felt confident that it would not try attacking them anytime soon--but just a few weeks later, there he would be again, spotted in the crags over Queston or crossing the paths of a hunting party.

"No more," Red muttered to herself, shifting into a wolf. It hurt a lot more than usual, with the wounds she still carried--but once the white wolf had been taken care of, Red planned on doing a lot of resting and recovery. She lifted her snout and caught the pungent scent, following its clear trail into the forest. As much as her animal instincts prompted her to turn away when she smelled another animal's scent, Red's human sensibilities knew that though the white wolf had left his scent everywhere, it by no means meant that he owned the mountain. If anything, he infringed on her territory, therefore he must be eradicated.

She followed the smell getting stronger and stronger... At last, a flash of white and the crackle of pine needles and twigs, and Red had caught up with her quarry. The insolent pup carried something colorful in his mouth as he trotted on his merry way through the trees. Red crouched low and stepped carefully as she tracked the wolf. He pranced and dawdled, trotting over roots and down pathways, until a slight breeze caught Red's fur and carried her scent forward. She ducked into the undergrowth and attempted to use the shadows to her advantage--but it was too late.

The white wolf's ears perked up, and he stopped and stiffened. The colored bundle dropped from his mouth, and he twisted his head around, sniffing the air until he located her. Red raised her hackles and marched into the open on full assault mode. She bared her fangs and let loose a low growl, letting the interloper know that he was most definitely not welcome in these parts.

The saucy creature yipped and sauntered, clearly not presenting himself in any kind of submission, but waving his tail at her like he was definitely interested in... Fire erupted in Red's thoughts; was the white wolf trying to seduce her into letting him go? She elevated her growl and darted forward, showing him that his efforts were producing the opposite effect.

The white wolf turned around to face her, frustrated at her rebuttal. He began growling back, almost like a child who dares to talk back to their parent. And like a child, Red decided this cub needed to be put in his place. She tucked her back legs and flattened her tail, pulling her ears back in a clearly-telegraphed message: Leave now or suffer the consequences.

The white wolf matched her posture, sending a reply: Bring it on.

So Red brought it. Furiously, she launched herself through the air, teeth bared and claws outstretched. The white wolf met her, and the two beasts collided. She clipped his snout with her fang, but he managed to twist his head in such a way to catch her shoulder in his jaws--the same shoulder that already bore a knife wound. Red twisted and lunged to plant her forepaws as she stretched forward with a back leg, scoring deep on his flank. The white wolf yelped and twisted away, leaving most of his body vulnerable--and Red took full advantage. With a roaring snarl she leaped upon him, so eager to sink her teeth into his back that when he suddenly pivoted to present his teeth, she overcommitted in the air and wobbled when her paws hit the ground again, throwing her wildly off-balance.

The white wolf took off like a shot, speeding in the opposite direction, and Red could only follow just behind him, intent on gaining control once more. They were no longer climbing, but descending a bit and heading across the mountainside.

Red was close enough to nip at his tail when her nose caught a scent that stopped her in her tracks.

The bakery! The white wolf, in his frantic attempt to escape her, was headed right back into Queston!

Red redoubled her efforts, taking alternate paths and roundabout ways to try and head him off, but the white wolf evaded her every time--desperation, more than likely. She took one more sliding turn, but by then she could already see some of the dwellings on the cliffside, and the white wolf slipped through the cleft leading right down to the Town Square without stopping.

Red reached an overlook, frantically searching for any sign of the wolf from above.

Then the screams began.


"Get away!"

"Protect the children!"

"Get them inside!"

"Stop the animal!"

"Arm yourselves!"

"Not the tables!"

Red scurried down and slipped between the buildings. This was her fault, her mistake, and she needed to fix it.

She saw the men waving axes and cleavers and various sharp implements like pitchforks and spades. Some of the tables lay on their side, with shards of glass and cups and bowls strewn in the dirt. The white wolf peeled out from under the risers with a blue banner wrapped around his middle. He flailed until it tore and he could escape, and that gave Red the chance to catch up to him.


Her instincts sent her into a sideways scramble to avoid the spade headed for her side. She yelped at the man holding the tool, meeting his gaze and tilting her head.

Recognition dawned over his face, and he stood up straight and turned way to holler,"Red Wolf, Halloo!! The Red Wolf is on the move!"

Red slipped after the white wolf as it charged through tangles of people, all of whom stared after him with fierce determination. By the time they had their weapons at the ready, Red had reached them and she saw them pull back, as if they would rather let the white wolf run amok than risk striking her.

The miscreant zig-zagged around the chairs, upsetting flower arrangements and ripping through more banners until at last Red had steered him to the edge of town, and she could chase him down without fear of him causing any more trouble among the residents of Queston.

Back through the forest and across the mountain they ran. Red felt her limbs stiffen as the adrenaline slackened and her wounds took a greater hold on her body. She gamely trudged on, until at last the white wolf stopped and turned back to face her. Red stopped where she was and focused all her energy on staying upright, while her opponent merely shifted from paw to paw, panting furiously as his tongue lolled from his mouth. The longer she waited, the more her wounds ached and constricted, begging her to lay down and rest. She was so tired from the day's work that she couldn't even growl--the attempt came out as a subtle moan. She ventured to shift her weight from one paw to the other, and in the next moment the stony, muddy ground rose to meet her as her whole body collapsed into darkness.


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