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Carlos POV

I felt like shit. I watched as Dasha laid in her own blood. Scars were all over her. I put my face in my hands. I couldn't look at her. She was unconscious.

I started to cry. Why did i keep doing this to her? I needed to stop, but I couldn't. I just wanted her to stay with me. Why didn't she want to stay with me. I thought I was doing better.

I stood up and got a bucket, some water, and some soap. I then grabbed some alcohol and sewing string. I began to clean and sew up her scars. I washed her body and put bandages on the cuts that were not severe enough to sew, but were bleeding out and needed to be covered.

I put some clothes on her and took her back to my office. I let her sleep on the couch I had in there. I sat an watched her. Her bruised face made me wince. She had gone through things she didn't deserve to go through.

I was the cause of this.

Four days later

Dasha POV

I had been recovering from my injuries. Carlos' workers would all look at me with guilt. Some would smile an evil smile. They thought it was okay to rape and beat girls.

I went to Carlos office because he said he wanted to talk to me. I hope he wasn't on no bullshit like last time where he was fucking a bitch. I was just going to walk out if he was.

To my surprise, when I walked in, he wasn't. I looked at him. He was staring at me with this weird look on his face. My bruises had cleared, and I was starting to look normal. Thank goodness. Finally.

"What do you want?" I said dryly.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know I hurt you." he said coming towards me.

"Carlos I'm leaving." I said before turning around.

He grabbed me and pulled me close to him. He spun me around and kissed me. What is this nigga problem? I don't want to be with him.

"Stop." I said pushing him away and growling angrily.

"I love you." he said.

"You're crazy as frig!" I said before walking out.

I had enough. I couldn't take this any more. I had to get out of here. Then, I had a plan.

I got naked and went over to a heavy set woman, one of Carlos workers. I knocked her unconscious and put my clothes on her. I dragged her up to the roof and pushed her. She hit the ground with a loud thud. While everyone went to see what it was, I snuck out through the back and ran out into the street. It was busy, but I didn't care.

I was a half naked fat girl trying to catch a ride. Some lady pulled over and I hopped in her car.

"Where to?" she asked.

"Your house." I said pointing a gun at her.

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