Chapter 2

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January 15, 2002

Jabrai and I spent years running, hiding, changing our numbers and our clothes, and we never used social media accounts. If we did, we never used our real names. The beatings started when I was three. They stopped briefly when Brai came to us. But that didn't last long. Brai's parents were both drug addicts and alcoholics. They kept him til he was two then someone convinced them to give him up for adoption. He went from being treated like shit and abandoned to being beat every other day. He was in the foster care for three years before my parents adopted him. My mom was the one that talked my dad into adopting him. I bet you're wondering who was the one beating us. It was my dad. My mom was a sweetheart and would never hurt anyone. Which led to her death but that's another story for another time. I took the brunt of the beatings to protect Brai. I was only 4 years old but I couldn't stand seeing him in pain.

"You spend half the day writing in that damned journal. What do you even write in there?" Brai asked coming up behind me massaging my shoulders.

I shut my journal as I look up at him, smiling. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I teasingly ask him.

"Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked." He smirked as he kissed my ear, nibbling on it softly

"Can I help you, sir?" I ask him seductively.

"I was promised a prize. Can I have it now?" He asked, sucking on my neck.

I bite my lip as my phone goes off. I lean up getting near Brai's dick since he's standing.

"Fucking tease" He said smirking.

I grab my phone, laying back. I read the message from Nova.

(N=Nova A=Alexie)
N: Hey. I'm on my way to your place. Is that okay?
A: Yeah that's fine. But why?
N: I'm bored and I want to hang out.
A: Okay. See ya.

"Not right now. Nova's on her way here to hang out." I tell him getting up, adjusting my pants.

I pull my dick into my waistband looking for clothes.

"Your not going to fuck her, are you?" He asked. "I know we both occasionally have to fuck other people so no one suspects anything of us. But I would rather not be here to listen to it happen, you know?"

"I know. I don't like hearing you fuck someone else either. But that's probably not going to happen. It's not like that with Nova anyways. She's my best friend. I love you baby." I explained to him.

"Promise?" He asks leaning up close to my lips.

"I promise. " I respond leaning down kissing him softly.

"I love you too." He tells me.

"Now can you please go make me a sandwich while I go get dressed?" I ask him.

"Fineeee. Ham and cheese?" He asks me.

"With mayo, mustard, pickles, onions, and tomatoes. Please?" I responded to him.

"Fineee but you owe me a good time when Nova leaves." He told me as he walked to the kitchen.

I laughed as I looked for clothes finally finding something that I somewhat liked. I changed into them as the doorbell rang.

"Brai! Can you get that please? It's Nova." I yell down at him.

Brai walked to the door, opening it. He smiled at her.

"Hey. Come on in. I'm Jabrai. You must be Nova." He said. "Alexie will be down in a minute."

"So your the famous brother that I keep hearing about but never meet? Your cute." Nova said, walking in. "You've heard more about me than I've heard about you. I'm sure."

(Smut warning)

"Thank you. I guess you can just wait here. I'm sure he won't be-" Brai said getting cut off by her kissing him.

He kissed back but then pulled back.

"Uhm. What was that for? I barely know you." He said.

"That's how one night stands start. You're cute. I'm sure we could talk your brother into a threesome. Well y'all wouldn't touch each other. Your brothers." She said, kissing him again.

"I'm adopted. But no, I don't want to have a threesome." He said kissing back but still pulling away.

"What the fuck Nova?! That's my brother" I said, sort of jealous.

"Oh come on. A threesome wouldn't be that bad. Please. I need dick" She said.

"I guess. I'm down if you are Alex." Brai said.

"You actually want this? I guess so." I said, walking to them kissing Nova.

She kisses back as she strokes Brai's length. Brai moans softly as he kisses her neck. We migrate upstairs to my bedroom. I'm sure we all know what happens next.

(Smut ends)

Brai was in the bathroom, Nova was dozing off in my bed as I walk to the bathroom. I knock on the door.

"Brai? It's me. Please let me in." I say.

"It's unlocked." He responds.

I walked in to see him staring at the mirror.

"What's wrong? Should I have told her no?" I question him.

"No it's not that. I did want to fuck her because she's hot but I love you. And you always talk about her. It's like your replacing me with her." He said.

"I don't love her. Brai, no one could ever replace you. I love you." I reassure him.

"Are you sure, Alex? I love you too." He said.

"So you've been fucking your brother this entire fucking time?!" Nova said angrily.

This is gonna go down well.


Hey guys. This chapter's not that long and I'm sorry for that but it should be juicyyyy. I hope you enjoy it. Make sure to read, vote, and comment your thoughts or what you would like to see. Til next time my lovelies. xoxoxo

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