Hunting For Answers

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Why yes, the summary is a play on words! Sorta.

Sorry y'all, this aint the next big story, just a small little in-between fic set after the end of "Off to a Great Start" and before the start of "Over the River and Through the Woods" :D
To new readers, you'll have to read "Off to a Great Start" for this to make a lick of sense.

Something started from an abandoned segment of chapter... 12? It became it's own thing.
Well, here ya go!

Enjoy a confused Hunter!
Warning, this chapter is basically one of those self insert tropes of a canon character falling for an self insert character. I mean it says that in the tags but there's gonna be that reader that doesn't read.



"That a compliment?"

"I haven't decided yet."

A harmless conversation then, a plaguing issue on his mind now.

How? How had this woman merged so quickly to his team? Sure, they were favorites of hers, but they'd met people who'd heard of them before. Those people had no desire to interact with them, however. They preferred to admire or judge them from afar, not wanting to get close enough to become associated with them. Never get to know them. Know them not as soldiers, but as men. People. Humans.

But this woman, this strange, unordinary woman, planted herself right in the middle of them and did so happily. Both physically when they'd sat and watched the horror games, but also mentally. Especially with Tech. He and Shadow had instantly hit it off, Tech no doubt grateful to find someone who would actually listen to his ramblings and not let them go in one ear and out the other. Hunter could still hear them softly talking through the wall, chattering something about evolution.

He'd met many interesting people on their various missions, but the kid certainly ranked among the highest. It was rare for people to outright defy him, but rarer still was it for someone to defy them but respect them at the same time. It was either defiant and rude or scared and respectful.

Respect. The kid certainly earned his. She'd evaded them for a decent stretch of time at the start, only surrendering because she wanted to. Hunter had known people, targets, to say they were surrendering only because they wanted to in an attempt to look braver than they were, but with Shadow... he saw now that she truly meant it. If she had wanted to evade them longer, they may still be after her. Especially had she used her full abilities.

He'd gotten a feeling she was more dangerous than he originally thought when she revealed her species and the fact she could wield an element. Hells, he knew she was dangerous when she first went head to head with all of them but Wrecker. But he hadn't expected the actual ground to shake beneath him when she'd gone after James. Nor did he expect her primary Feral Form, as she called it, to be so big. She didn't have the height that the grey male did, but she possessed a far stronger build. Not to mention one swish of her tail had sent him flying off his feet and into the couch. That thing was pure muscle beneath the soft, colorful fluff.

Then there was her... weapon collection. Not as expansive as some, but still impressive. That, combined with her extensive hand to hand combat skills plus elemental powers, survival skills, animal speak, shapeshifting...

Were she part of the GAR, Hunter would have had half a mind to request her to be transferred to their squadron. She'd fit right in with her danger level plus disdain for authority and love of freedom. Additionally, if her tales of the adventures she had with sailors were true, she was no stranger to dealing with dangerous men. Her lightsabers had been purple, too. The color of someone who used both the Light and Dark side of the Force, their fighting style very aggressive.

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