Ch. 2 ~Puzzles and Vampires~

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Last chapter before we start "Over the River and Thorough the Woods"! When will that start?
No idea lol. I want to finish two chapters from an original story first.


Trigger Warnings:
Talk of needles, blood (tech is persistent), talk of mutilation, references to female anatomy, and mention of sex.


Well alrighty then. I frowned, eyeing the door which Hunter had rapidly vacated. That was rather... odd. One moment Hunter seemed fine, then he had to scurry away. What got him so worked up?

Was it the rabies comment? Sure, that'd weird anyone out, but he seemed funny when he got to the door. It couldn't have been the rabies comment.

He seemed... preoccupied? Distracted, even. Or maybe he was just tired? No, something had definitely been going through that man's head.

But what?

The day, while rough, had been fairly enjoyable. I'd gotten to know the Bad Batch up close and personal. Very up close in Wrecker's case. They were all so quirky, even more so than the episodes showed.

But while three members were fairly easy to sort out... one was not.

Hunter. What an interesting little puzzle. A bit gruff on the outside, and plenty of dry humor to go along with, but under that...

Now that was tricky.

A hand shook my shoulder. "Shadow?"

I jerked and looked at the concerned engineer. "Sorry man... just..." I looked back towards the door. "He usually act like that?"

Tech followed my gaze. "I do not believe so."

I glanced sideways at him. "You live with him, mate."

"That does not mean I analyze my brothers!" Tech sputtered defensively.

I merely held his gaze and ever so slowly raised an eyebrow. Saying nothing, I waited for him to break. Fun psychology trick: stay silent after someone gives you a fake answer, and they'll almost always try to fill the silence with the real answer.

Sure enough, Tech looked away and mumbled, "At least... I don't share my findings."

Bingo . "Don't worry, Techie. I analyze people all the time," I assured him, grinning.

Tech cocked his head to the side. "Might I ask what your analysis of us yielded?" he asked, obviously curious.

"You might. Don't mean I'll grace you with an answer."

"Ah, well, you are not a very graceful individual." A look of what I could only describe as terror washed over his face. "That is-! I didn't mean it... that's not what I-! You have a very graceful body but your attitude-"

I watched Tech stammer for a moment, withholding a sly smile, before I took pity on the poor guy. "Tech. Trust me, I'm not offended. Takes more than that to offend me.

Lies. You're always willing to fight people at the drop of a hat! You are a small bundle of rage. You're only not mad because it's Tech.

Oh, you're back, I grumbled at my subconscious. Now leave.

"I... am glad," he said uncertainly, still looking rather mortified.

"You can't be worse than Crosshair," I assured him.

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