Buisness Break?

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"So......? How'd it go?" You could see the excitement and curiosity in Sanjida's face. She looked eager but concerned too. She tried not to look too optimistic, just in case it didn't go well, but she couldn't help it, it shinned through.

"WHY DO YOU LOOK HAPPY, you don't even know what happened." I just wanted to know what she'd say.

"WELL, it could have gone bad, BUT I KNOW IT WENT WELL. Because YOU'RE MIA. This isn't the first time you're cracking a major deal, besides you had Daniel with you, how could it have go wrong?!" She sounded so confident, I love it.

"UGH, don't give that boy any more credit than he needs! BUT THANK YOU!"

"From the sound of that, HURRY UP AND TELL ME ALREADY!!!"

"IT WENT AMAZINGGGGG!!! The investors were completely hooked!!! THIS IS A MAJOR WIN, but-"

She didn't let me finish, because the moment I said amazing, we both started to fan girl, with jazz hands, and then she hugged me and shut me down.

"OMG, YES I KNEW IT!!! YAY!!! CONGRATS!" This was practically the closest she'll ever get to actually combusting.

"Did I hear someone say I shouldn't get more credit than I need?" It was Daniel peeking in through the door, with a suitcase hanging on to the tip of his fingers in one hand. I was so mad at him, but he's part of the reason the whole presentation went so well. I could've practically hugged him at that moment, if I didn't remember how mad I was at him. Annoying and all, he still helped me a lot, so I couldn't be completely mad at him.

"I never thought I would say this, like actually, but thank you. Maybe I'll delay firing you to like a month later, how about that?" Is all I could manage to blurt out without sounding head over heels thankful.

"OMG, that might be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me! I appreciate it, but I'm out, I got to go home early because it's my friends birthday. And Sanjida, I'd watch out if I were you, she's abouta freak out, so BYE!" and just like that he was gone.

"HEY, WAIT! Ugh, he's gone."

Sanjida then takes a whole 180°. "But?"

"But what?" I was sooo confused.

"Don't think I didn't hear you say but earlier, what's the catch? Common, hurry up and tell me!"

"Oh, dang it, you heard it. Well.... you see... to ensure the deal, we have to make a business trip...." I was terrified, you'll get why soon.

"And why is that a big deal? You've been on tons of those before." She doesn't get it yet!

"You see, during the presentation Daniel was being himself again, extra. Not to blame him, the investors looked super stubborn and hard to crack, it felt like shark tank I swear. BUT HE THREW IN SOME COMPLIMENTS ABOUT CHINA, and how this deal would do wonders in the economy and environment there. He started talking about how beautiful China was, and he knew it was working because it seemed to make the investors happy and smile. I was nervous, so I just agreed with him and said 'ahah, yes you're right.' Then one of the investors said "Miss. Mia, I'm glad you agree, have you ever been to China before?" ALL I COULD SAY WAS 'I-' before Daniel cut me off. He went off like 'Oh, Miss. Mia here hasn't been to China yet, she's super picky, and her life revolves around work and home, doesn't even spare time for love. I bet she wouldn't survive there 2 days.' he said winking at me, I GAVE HIM THE DEATH STARE AND HE SHUT UP. The investor just laughed it off and said 'Tell you what Miss. Mia, I love the presentation you displayed here today, and I can't wait to start doing business with you-" and I cut him off without noticing, 'OMG GREAT. I'll get the papers finalized, and-' he cut me off then. 'But- you must come back to China with me, and spend 6 months there to indulge yourself into our culture. This is more of a vacation I'm offering you, little to no work will proceed during this time. It will give you the perfect opportunity to understand what you're working with and it'll be a wonderful break. And just like Daniel here said, I'm sure you can prove him wrong and be able to survive there much longer than two days. What do you say?"

"HAHA I'M DYING. God bless Daniel! Well, what did you say?!" How could Sanjida be possibly happy at a moment like this?

"Well, of course I had to say yes to ensure the deal, besides if I said no this would be a huge loss for me. Then we signed the paper, and now I am off to China in two days...."

"OMG THIS IS GREAT! I wanted to tell you, actually ask you, if you could take a break from your streak of working, and go to China with me, because my shoot is there! Common, don't you remember our high school years, when we were both dreaming about traveling the world and going to places all over Asia?! This is exactly that! I know you're excited! Don't lie."

"YES, you're right, I know that. But it's been so long, and this is totally out of the blue, I don't know if I still have that same excitement in my heart. Oh heck, who am I kidding, I'm Stoked! I guess the only thing bumming me out right now is that I let Daniel decide my fate, I couldn't even say anything!"

"Oh chill you'll be fine. Besides, you do need to spare some time for love." Oh God, she was doing the thing again, the thing where she winks and smiles at me, and I can't say no. The worst part was that Daniel would be joining us after two weeks I arrive there. He couldn't initially go with us because he had something to catch up on here. But she was right, they both were right, maybe this is exactly what I needed to make sure I don't end up spending the rest of my life alone; seeing a billboard with a picture of myself hung up on the highway saying "Live your life to the fullest! You can do anything!" Well this is it, this is my first attempt at trying to live my life to the fullest, at least I won't be alone....

Fast forward a day, all I did at work was assign everybody their roles for the next six months, and let them know to call me anytime they needed help. I went searching for a house nanny, because someone had to look over this huge penthouse for the next six months. She would come to check up on it every Saturday. Then I sat there for an hour trying to decide what to pack with me, when Sanjida barged into my house, and draggedme outside, telling me we were going to do some shopping.

The shopping part was fun, not gonna lie. I love shopping!!! We got all the new cloths in fashion, and after watching those street fashion TikToks from China, I needed to look my absolute best.

Well. Now I'm packing, and locking the doors behind me. I'm off to the Airport, and something tells me this isn't going to be normal. Daniel dropped by around 2 hours ago, giving me a goodbye basket full of treats, and said good luck. I was waiting for him to leave so I could gulp down all those goodies and sweets, and I didn't want him to see. He is rather sweet and thoughtful I guess. But I'm glad I'll be getting a break from him for the next 2 weeks at least.

I saw a plane fly over my head as I stepped out and thought to myself, that'll be me in there, in about 3 hours from now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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