☁️An Old Friend☁️

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Idea: y/n moved away when she was six and ever since both she and her crush Bakugou have been wondering when they will see each other again. When y/n moves back to Japan and starts going to UA their crushes start again.

Warnings: Cursing.

Quirk: Umbrakinesis- You can manipulate darkness and shadows. You can use them to your advantage, you can teleport through them, control them, and you can use them as barriers to protect yourself from attacks. Overusing this quirk will cause horrible headaches, fatigue, low body temperature, muscle pain, and unconsciousness.

Weaknesses: Your main weakness is sunlight. If you are in an area without any shadows then you will have to use your energy to create the shadows which makes the symptoms of overuse much worse.

*4 Years Old*

Y/n ran up to her two best friends with excitement clear in her eyes. "Guys! Guess what!" Y/n said as she was practically jumping up and down with excitement. "What?" Midoriya asked feeling excited about whatever his friend had to say. Out of her friend group, y/n was the first to get a quirk.

"I got my quirk!" Y/n yelled and her friend's eyes lit up. "Really? What is it?" Midoriya asked.

Y/n looked around and once she found the perfect place she ran towards it. She stopped underneath a large tree that created a large area of darkness. "Ok, you guys ready?" She asked and her two friends nodded eagerly. Y/n moved her hand slightly and a shadow appeared in the palm of her hand. "That's so cool, y/n!" Midoriya said.

Y/n looked towards Bakugou and for a child who was so egotistical about himself, he was genuinely impressed. This filled y/n with happiness.

"It's not as cool as mine is going to be, but it's pretty cool I guess," Bakugou said as he crossed his arms and looked away. Y/n walked between the two boys and placed her arm around each of their shoulders. "Let's go play on the swings!" She said with a wide smile.

Midoriya looked at y/n and then something caught his eyes. Bakugou had a blush on his cheeks. Midoriya smiled at the sight. "Let's go!" Midoriya said.

*6 Years Old*

"Y/n! Can you come here?" Mom yelled and y/n stood from the couch and walked over to where her mother was standing. "Yes?" Y/n asked and her mom leaned down to y/n's level. "Y/n, we found a school that can help you control your powers. Would you like to go?" Mom asked and y/n tilted her head in confusion. "Why can't I stay here?" She asked.

"Y/n, your power is getting out of control. This school helps their students gain control," Mom said.

"Ok," y/n said and her mom gave her a small smile. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she said.

Y/n walked into her class and she sat down with a frown. "Hey, l/n! What's wrong?" Midoriya asked as he walked up to y/n. "After this school year is over I'm going to a school in America," y/n said.

"What? But there are only two days left," Midoriya said.

"I know," y/n said.

"Oh, ok," Midoriya said a frown on his face now.

As the day went on y/n was oblivious to one thing. The sad eyes of her old friend Bakugou. He overheard her telling Midoriya about her leaving. He was devastated.

*11 years later*

Y/n walked out of the airport looking for her mother. She was sent to a boarding school in America to help with her quirk and education. After y/n's graduation, she decided to return home in time for the UA Recommendation entrance exams. Her mother is a well-known pro hero who has plenty of connections around the world.

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