Chapter 6

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"Ughhhhhh. Aubrey. Do you really need to drag me into all of your girly stores?" Cole groans.

"C'mon. Macy's isn't a 'girly' store. And I just need to get some shoes and then we need to go to Bath and Body Works. Then we can eat. Hopefully. Ooh. And after that, we have to stop at Walmart to get some snacks for my dorm." I laugh, tugging on his hand. Groaning and carrying my bag from Kohl's, he follows me into Macy's.

I walk to the shoe section.

"Ooh. I love these." I say, grabbing a pair of combat boots that fold over.

"But you can't wear them for a while." He points out.

"I can't wear jeans for a while but I still packed a shitload of those." I say.

"There are children here." Some lady says walking by, carrying a kid.

"Well then. I'm so sorry for displeasing you. My condolences." I say sarcastically. Cole laughs. I grab the pair in my size. Cole helps me sit down.

"Okay. Put it on." I say. Groaning, he takes my foot and shoves the shoe on, tying it as well.

"Ooh. I like them." I say. Then he takes it off for me and puts it back in the box.

"Thank you." I smile. He gives me 'the look'.

"Anything else, your highness??" He asks.

"Ummm. Yes. I want another pair of-" I start.

"Aubrey. I'm fucking hungry. There is online shopping. And we still have to go to the Bath and Body Works. So no more." He says.

"Roar tiger." I laugh. Then I go and pay for the shoes. The cashier is probably college age and she's checking Cole out.

"Move on. He's mine." I say. She give me a dirty look. Laughing, I tug on Cole's hand. As well as you can do on crutches.

"A little possessive, aren't we?" He says.

"C'mon. Don't flatter yourself. She was checking you out. I just saved you." I explain. Don't get me wrong, Cole is nothing bad to look at. To be honest, he's pretty hot. It's a wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend. But he's my best friend, I could never date him. We go to the Bath and Body Works.

"I'm not going in there." Cole says, standing outside the store.

"Come on. This is probably the only time you'll ever go in here. It's my last day with you. And it's not even a full day. Pleaseeeeee." I beg. Groaning, he follows me in. He wrinkles his nose at all of the different smells.

"Okay so. I really like Japanese Cherry Blossom and Sweet Pea. So I'm gonna get body wash and all that stuff in those two kinds. So I'll get all the Sweet Pea and you get all the Japanese Cherry Blossom." I say.

"No way. I'm not helping you go perfume shopping or whatever this is." He says.

"Cole. Please. You already in the store. You could at least help." I beg. Groaning, he walks away from me in search of his products. I hobble over to the Sweet Pea stuff and grab one of everything. Cole meets me by the cashier with all of his stuff.

The cashier look at him.

"Don't judge. I'm trying to help a cripple." He says. I punch his shoulder.

"I won't be crippled forever." I laugh. She rings us up. I hand Cole the money and while he's paying, I grab one of the samples. I quickly spritz Cole with it. Slowly, he turns to face me.

"What the hell, Aubrey? I smell like girls." He says. I laugh and grab the bag with my stuff in it.

"Here. Carry your own crap." He says. He hands me my three bags. It's actually not that hard on crutches.

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