Gregal's Dream

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  "Hi Gregal" Gregal opened his eyes and looked over to see Sparkle Makk. "Oh hi Sparkle" he sat up and rubbed his eyes. The sun was shining bright through his window and made Sparkle look even more beautiful to Gregal. He stared until he could faintly hear Sparkle's voice again. "Get ready so we can go to our favorite spot" After that he started doing what she said.

    They both walked out to the fields until they got to a weeping willow near a small pond. Gregal placed a blanket down to make it more comfortable for them to sit. Sparkle set the food down then sat next to Gregal. "We're lucky we got to find such a wonderful place" She gave Gregal a plate a food then grabbed hers. They looked out at the pond and surroundings as they ate.

    Once they both finished Gregal looked over at Sparkle and slowly moved his paw closer to hers. He held her paw and then she turned to face him. She smiled and held his paw tight as the surroundings started to melt away. Sparkled started to melt away too until there was only Gregal Toes and darkness.

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