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I'm not perfect and I know I am but it hurts when others say you're not good enough or you're not as pretty as her or you're to big

I go through this everyday and I've learned that it hurt so much that I don't know what to do anymore

But you know what hurts more

Being told you're nothing from someone you love and thought that they love you

Today I'm with my boyfriend Jungkook we've been a couple since Middle school and I'm happy, really but lately Jungkook has be distant

He's been stay out late and been cold to me. I try to cuddle and talk to him but he just pushes me away or doesn't talk back to me.

For some back story I was pretty slim in middle school it's when I hit high school I started getting bigger, I had broad shoulder, big boobs, an ass, and thighs. I would always wear big oversized clothes so my boots and shoulders made my body shape. It wasn't that I was fat, I was just more developed and bigger then all the skinny slim girls, i actually had a small waist and I was like 147lbs. In a sense I was what people would consider an hourglass, but I wasn't considered skinny because next to my "friends" I was always bigger looking.

Let me know if you guys would be interested in this :)
Bye bye now love

Let me know if you guys would be interested in this :) Bye bye now love

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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