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Somewhere outside New Orleans

Landon was just a few hours outside of New Orleans. He went there to find someone who could help him from the people that was looking for him.

He didn't want to go back to Mystic Falls because he knew that he would be going to jail after what he did to Josie.

He was blinded by hate for the brunette twin because his girlfriend was in love with her. He knew that even though she never confessed to it.

The way Josie looked at Hope was the same way Hope was looking at her and it was pure love.

"That bitch deserved it after what she did, now I just need to find this Marcele guy to help me" he mumbled to himself.

He walked in the gas station getting some snacks and drinks before he continued his route to New Orleans.

When he got out of the shop he saw a gang of bikers with the leather jackets with a logo of NOLA Bikers on their backs.

He walked over to them.

"Excuse me, but do you guys know a Marcel dude in New Orleans?" He asked them.

"Depends on who is asking and what do you want" one of the guys asked him.

"I heard that he helps people, I just need his help"

The guy looked at him with questioning face.

"Please, there's someone who wants to hurt me but I don't know why.. please"

"What's yours name?" The order guy ask.

"Landon Kirby"

The guy nodded his head.

"Okey Landon Kirby, you will find him at the French quarters" the old man told him.

The boy smiled and thank him and ran off with his car into the city of The Big Easy.

The leader of the bikers looked at his friends with a grin and then they all laugh.

He picked up his phone and made a call.

"Hey Boss, that kid is on his way to the city, just as you predicted"

With that he hanged up and they kept enjoying their food and drinks before they continued back to The Big Easy.

In Mystic Falls.

Yesterday the girls and Pedro enjoyed the late lunch they had with their mothers. It was a day they wouldn't forget cause it was rare to see them together.

That day they learned a lot about their mothers and aunt's. It was refreshing for the teenagers since Hope's family lives in New Orleans and they haven't had time to come visit since they had a lot to do in their own city.

Hope was happy in Mystic Falls but she would want to be at home in their house but Hayley and Klaus always reminded her that she herself have her own mansion in Mystic Falls, one that her father had built for her when her mother had told her father that she was pregnant with their love child.

Josie felt out of place sometimes when they would talk about some of their memories when they where kids but she couldn't remember them anymore and this did not go unnoticed by the red head.

When the group of mothers and kids was done with lunch and shopping they went back to school.

Pedro went to play with his friends and the girls decided to have a movie night with the guys.

Josie was sitting in the middle of her bed with Hope while Lizzie and was just below their feet and the boys was on the floor.

"So Jo, what are you gonna pick this time? I hope something good like The Amityville Horror or something scarier?" MG asked her.

The Notebook of HopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz