"youre perfect"

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kate's pov:
"kate, emaline, breakfast !" dad shouted from downstairs
"we're coming!" emaline said
she got off the bed and stretched her arms out
em, i said
i think we should tell my dad about us, today
is that okay?
she smiled "i'm totally cool with that"
okay, i said. when are you going to tell your parents?
she looked down for a minute
"i don't think they'll be very supportive" she said in a quiet voice
"they barely even pay attention to me anyways so i doubt they'd even notice"
i went over to her and gave her a hug
you know i'll always be here for you, right?
"mhm" she smiled
i grabbed her hand
let's go eat now

emalines pov:
kate's words made me feel warm inside
it was nice to know someone cared for me
all my family cares about it work, they barely even talk to me

she grabbed my hand and we went out of her room to go downstairs for breakfast
i stopped her in the hallway before we reached the stairs
"thank you baby, for what you said, and for being here for me. i really appreciate it"
"of course" she said , and we went downstairs

mr messner looked delighted to see us come down the stairs
"did you girls have a good sleep?" he asked
kate and i looked at each other
"mhm" she replied
i couldn't help but giggle a bit

we went to the cute little breakfast nook in their kitchen to eat

mr messner brought out strawberries, eggs , bacon , a jug of orange juice, and some toast

i took a plate and fork and put some eggs, bacon, and toast on it.
i was kinda thirsty so i decided to get some orange juice too
hey swe- i mean um kate can you pass me the orange juice?
"yeah sure" she said, and handed it over

"shit i slipped up" i said to myself "i need to refrain from calling her sweetie near people she doesn't feel comfortable with knowing about us." "but she said we're gunna tell her dad today so it should be okay. right?!?!" i told myself

the voice in my head needs to shut up.

it was silent between the three of us for a good 7 minutes. all you could here was the tv in the background, chewing, and the clanking of utensils on our plates.

it was getting kind of awkward so i guess kate decided to break the silence

"um dad, emaline and i have something to tell you.."

kate's pov
i decided we should tell dad now. i mean emaline already slipped up a bit but it's about time anyways.
i felt a hand slide into mine from under the table. it was emaline. i smiled and she squeezed my hand and smiled back.

" dad.. emaline isn't just my friend"
he swallowed his food and put down his fork for a second
i started getting nervous but emalines soft grip on my hand reminded me to finish what i had to say
"what do you mean honey?" he asked

i took a deep breath

dad, i like girls. and emaline is my girlfriend

"what happened to you and luke? i thought you two were dating"

uh that didn't really work out. plus i like emaline. like a lot.

i looked at emaline and saw she was trying to hide a big smile

"i'm fine with whoever you like honey, just as long as they make my little kate happy"

see you later, sweetie Where stories live. Discover now