Chapter Twelve

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Logan and Remus made it back to the school with their hands still wound together while their frozen yogurt cups were empty. Once back on campus they threw them away before sitting on the step in front of the school. Janus and Virgil were still nowhere to be found. Probably just finishing their sex habits, Remus supposed.

The nerdier student cleared his throat, sliding his other hand on top of Remus'. "I really enjoyed this afternoon with you, Remus," He cooed, catching the gross student's eyes.

"I did too. It was kinda nice to hang out with someone else for a change, you know?"

"I get it." The doors behind them slammed open, making both of them release their hands from each other and scoot away. As they turned around, Janus and Virgil stood over them, both looking incredibly happy.

"There you are, Remus! We were looking all over for you!" Janus commented.

"I highly doubt that!" Remus shot back. The snake rolled his eyes before helping Virgil get down the small flight of stairs. Remus could see how weak Virgil's legs were as they shook immensely. The student scoffed before standing up himself.

Logan did the same, tightening his tie before looking over at Remus. "I suppose I should get going myself. Congratulations once again to all of you for placing highly today. I can't wait to see what else you do in this competition!"

"Thank you, Logan. Same to you. Uh, see you tomorrow, maybe?" Remus questioned, not wanting his obvious feelings for Logan to show through to anybody else.

"Of course. I'll see you around, Remus." With that, Logan headed towards the student parking lot, leaving the sight of the lover boy. Janus and Virgil laughed as he left, grabbing onto Remus' arm to lead him towards the street so they could all walk home.

"So...spent a day with the nerd, huh?" Janus giggled, earning a laugh from his boyfriend too.

"His name is Logan. And he isn't just a nerd!" Before Remus could process what he had said, he slapped a hand over his mouth. The other two exchanged odd glances but letting it slide as they both knew Remus was always bound to say really weird things. "Enough about me anyway. You two had sex in the library again, didn't you?"

"Can you blame me? I just love this little face!" Janus squealed, wrapping his hand around Virgil's face. The emo seemed to be out of it, almost half-asleep on Janus' shoulder.

"You also love what's below my belt," Virgil joked. After that, he playfully tugged himself out from Janus' arms and ran ahead of them. Of course, the snake chased after the emo with Remus right behind him.

Before they knew it, Virgil had collapsed in his own front yard. The other two landed right beside him, watching him struggle to breathe from all the running and choking on his own laughter. He cuddled into Janus, who pulled him closer before sweeping him into his arms and carrying him like his bride.

"I should get him to bed. We'll see you tomorrow, Remus!" Janus said, walking up to Virgil's front door.

"See ya, fuck buddies!" Remus joked. With a quickened pace, the student glided back into his neighborhood. For once in his life, he didn't care if people were looking at him. He didn't care how red his cheeks were. He didn't care how his face hurt from all the smiling. He didn't care what the world threw at him. All he knew was the blissful feeling in his chest. And he knew, he did not want it to disappear.

Upon getting to his house, he found Roman greeting him at the door. Remus found himself a little shocked. But figured maybe his twin just wanted to gush about all of his accomplishments to his face again. That made him a little less excited.

"Hey, Roman," Remus snarked, his upper lip rising with venom. Roman didn't treat him much better, nearly shutting the door in his face before Remus squeaked inside. He sat his backpack by the door, Roman's eye still harshly on him. "Something up?"

"Don't act stupid, Remus. You know exactly what's up!" The other twin shot back. The mustached twin raised an eyebrow, not entirely understanding what his brother meant. He walked into the kitchen with Roman at his heel. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the fridge, placing it in his mouth while his brother stared at him.

"You're freaking me out, Roman. And that's saying something," Remus admitted.

"Look, Re. I watched the live stream at school today. You and your freaky friends played a hell of a song today, and in all honesty, I'm really proud of you." Remus was a bit surprised by his brother's sentiments. But as soon as the moment happened, it seemed to fade. "However, that only means that you ruin Patton's chances of winning this thing. And you know Patton's happiness means everything to me. So, I have to ask you to drop out of the battle.

"The fuck?" Remus yelled, almost choking on his food. "No! Fuck you! Fuck Patton! I'm not quitting the battle for your high maintenance boyfriend! This is our first big thing that has ever happened to our band! And I'm not quitting it for you, asshole!"

"I can't believe you, Remus! I should've known, you only ever think about yourself!"

"It's not thinking about myself! It's thinking about Janus and Virgil and my future of music! You're the one being self-centered! Can't you get your head out of your ass to see that it isn't just about what you want!"

"Whatever, Remus. I'm done with your childishness," Roman growled, pounding his feet up the stairs to his room. Remus rolled his eyes harshly, grabbing a bottle of water before heading up to his room as well.

Once in his room, he shut the door. His head rested against the door as he tried to wind down from all the anger his brother had filled him with. With a big size, he removed his shirt and pants, sitting just in his boxers before collapsing on his bed and falling asleep.

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