Chapter 1

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Living in Illinois is so boring. When I say there is nothing fun to do I am dead serious. You have your basic stuff like bowling, movie theaters, malls... but that's it. That shit gets boring real fast.

You can't ski or surf or do anything exciting. There's no hills or mountains. No streams and you're lucky if you find a non man made pond or lake with fish.

You can imagine that I'm creative. The kids that I hung out with when I was little,we would make up games and make forts out of pillows and blankets. Sometimes we would close my friend's garage and we would make it into a club with music we thought was cool. We would also go to the public pool and play this one game were we pretended we were mermaids and no one could know.

That was stupid kid stuff though. I grew up faster than my other friends and I didn't want to do that stuff anymore. I thought I was too old for it. Technology was also advancing and I didn't want to hang out with my friends.

I quickly gave up on the things I believed before. Things like Santa, the toothfairy, mermaids, unicorns, witches, wizards, and magic. I thought it was stupid that someone would lie about thoughs things existing. My life, my heart lost the magic it held before.

My life took an upsetting turn after that.

I felt like I grew up too fast.


I know it's not exciting right now but the story's building or at least I'm trying to build it I hope at least someone finds it intriguing anyways BYEEE!!!

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