🖤 Epilogue 🖤

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Words: 895

Trigger warnings: Suicide, Violence, Self harm, Small Carpophobia
Now, it's been a month since what happened. He's stopped making youtube videos and completely distanced himself from anyone who's tried to contact him. He cries every night and harms himself as punishment for what he's done. 

He now lays on his bed at four in the morning, not able to sleep. He stares up at the ceiling as he once more relives what happened that day...

He dropped the gun and fell to his knees, staring at what he'd just done. He killed him. The boy who was always happy, the one who would always laugh and smile, was now dead. He sobbed uncontrollably as he sat on the ground next to Vincent. Vincent, on the other hand, smiled. He could now finally have Zak all to himself. He sat next to Zak and pulled him into a hug. Zak instantly declined the gesture, as he pushed Vincent's arms off of him. As Vince tried to talk to him, Zak punched him in the face and began to run. He ran through the hall, out the door, and Into the street. He quickly determined where he was and how far from home he was. He ran back home, sobbing the entire time. Once he got home he fell onto his bed, as he cried for what felt like forever....

Snapping out of it, Zak sighs. He just can't deal with it anymore. He's finally decided. It's time. He quietly walks to his bathroom before opening his medicine cabinet. He takes out a razor, along with a pill bottle. He sits in his bathtub and sighs once more. He pulls up his sleeves and stares at the many cuts on his arms. Some old, some new. He takes a deep breath before making a deep cut in his wrist, causing him to cry out in pain as it hurts more than expected. He closes his eyes and all of his happy memories with Darryl flood his mind.

He remembers when they met, oh how young they were, he remembers when he realized he had a crush on him. He was blushing while listening to him laugh at something, and it hit him like a pile of bricks. He was so insanely in love with him. He remembers when they confessed for the first time, how happy he was when he realized Darryl loved him back. And their first kiss, his lips felt like heaven. They were so soft and caring. Oh, how Zak would never hurt this precious soul. But he did. He killed him. And he would never forgive himself for that. He begins to sob as he remembers his laugh, his smile, his voice, his beautiful green eyes, everything. And how all of that is gone now because of him. 

He cries as blood seeps out of his arms, drenching his shirt. He drops the razor and opens the pill bottle, slowly but surely eating every single one. He cries as he remembers more happy memories with Darryl. His stomach begins to hurt as he starts to become sleepy. He smiles. "I'm coming, my dear." He quietly says, before closing his eyes for the last time.

He then wakes up in a room. He looks around confused. Where is he? He's not sure, but it just feels..better. he stands up and looks at his arms. They're completely untouched. He then sees someone in the distance. He quietly approaches them as he makes out their features. They have dirty blonde hair and green eyes. They appear to be worried about something. Then, he realizes. It's Darryl.

Darryl turns around and sees Zak. His face shows a mixture of happiness and relief as he runs toward him, happy tears forming in his eyes. They meet in a hug and for the first time in months, Zak feels happy again. He feels safe in Darryl's arms. Then it all hits him like a pile of bricks. He then remembers that he's the one who killed Darryl. He's the reason both of them are here. All of these thoughts are too much for him as he begins to cry, confusing the other. "W-wait...what's wrong?" Darryl pulls away from the hug, looking at Zak in confusion. "I'm so sorry!" Zak cries. "I didn't want to kill you! Vincent made me do it and I-I just..I'm so sorry Darryl!" He sobbed. Darryl pulled him Into a hug once more, listening to his pained sobs. "Aw, it's okay. I know you didn't want to. Just, please don't cry." He pulled away from the hug and looked into Zak's brown, tear-filled eyes. He slowly brought their lips together as both shared a soft kiss. They stayed like that for a while, before pulling away. Darryl smiled and wiped away some of the smaller boy's tears. "I love you, Zak. I really do. You mean the world to me." He said. Zak smiled as well. 

"I love you too."  

832 words

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