Chapter 2

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It was July 4, Also known as the 4th of July. Tommy Doh and his family decided to get together to form a family reunion. Everyone from Tommy Dohs Family were there. Including aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, third cousins, and so much more. When Tommy doh arrived to the reunion, he saw his favorite cousin Hashal. Tommy doh NEVER gets to see hashal. Mostly because he lives in India. But when Tommy doh does see hashal, it's never a bad time. As Tommy doh walks in the door he sees his favorite aunt Susie Q! "Auntie Susie!" He yells. He gave her a big hug while they both grin at each other. Susie Q was busy making cookies to serve as desert! "Tommy! Hashal!" "Would you guys like to help with the cookies?!" Aunt Susie asked. "Of course! " They both said while having a glorious smile on Their face. When Tommy and Hishal were done making cookies he glanced over at his little cousin named Cupcakee. "TOMMY! TOMMY! WANNA COME UPSTAIRS AND PLAY DOLLS WITH ME!?". Of course Tommy doh said no so he followed Cupcakee upstairs knowing he wouldn't have to reject her. "You be princess sugar plum! I'll be Lovely Light Fairy! You can also play as Cora if you want but don't feel bad if you don't want to. Tommy doh agreed and began playing. As They play, they get called down for dinner. "TOMMY! CUPCAKEE! DINNER!!!!". Tommy and Cupcakee raced down stairs to see what they were having. It turns out that they were having spaghetti with garlic bread and cookies for desert. "YUMM! Spaghetti is my fav!!" . As they sat down to feast on the meal Tommy doh here's a splat on his head. It must be the wind he thought. However, when he felt his head, it turns out it was a glob of spaghetti. He looked back to see who had done this nonsense! As he looks around he saw his nephew Chungus looking at him with a grin on his face. "CHUNGUS!" Tommy yells. Tommy scooted out the chair and ran as fast as he could to his house a couple blocks away. Everyone at the reunion stared at him in fear as he was running out the door. "What's wrong with Tommy aunt Susie" "Where is Tommy going mom" "Why is Tommy running away dad". As Tommy doh enters his home he washes his fluffy Afro out to make sure there was no more spaghetti. Tommy doh guiltfully walks back to the reunion embarrassed. "Tommy doh! What happened!" His mom asked. "I  had some spaghetti in my hair". "Aww it's okay don't be embarrassed". And his whole family made him feel better. The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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