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"y/n!" i heard the familiar high-pitched voice calling for me from behind. i turned my back to be greeted by the brunette girl people fondly call sasha. "sasha! you seem in a hurry.." i said, splattering a small grin on my face.

"i was catching up to you, silly. bread?" she offered me a piece of bread, she already ate half of the package. i chuckled, and slightly nodded.

"just so you know, i might flunk our math test today. i didn't study, at all! i mean who studies for math test anyway. no offense," she stared at me with her eyes widened as she said the last word. because she knows i always study on every test. so of course i also studied for this test.

we walked together as we continued our morning chattering session. she kept ranting about how connie was bothering her with endless chats at 3 am. making her unable to sleep well last night.

we then arrived to our lockers and minded our own business. surprisingly, our lockers are exactly next to each other. it's best friends fate. i opened my locker only to be greeted by a small neon pink paper sticked onto a piece of chocolate.

sasha was peeking in to my locker and got curious real quick, "ooohh. what's that, y/n? you got a secret admirer now?" she nudged me with her elbow and i chuckled. i don't think no one has ever done these kind of things to me before?

"geez, i know you're popular and all. you get endless gifts every week but this person is really unique. this is the first time someone has ever gave sticky notes to you. isn't that sweet?" i can see sasha's eyes beaming, she seems more excited than me.

then i read what's written on the sticky note,

" i'm not sure if you like chocolate or not but please don't stress yourself with all the tests coming up. i hope this'll cheer you up, have a nice day :)

— E "

from the looks of it, this is definitely a guy's handwriting. and 'E'? i couldn't think of anyone who's name starts with E in this school. "E? who's 'E'?" sasha asked looking so confused. trust me, sasha. i'm curious as well.

half of me doesn't even care either. i've never been interested in relationships despite the amount of guys confessing to me. i open the chocolate's packaging and ate it. whoever this person is, i thank him a lot for this chocolate.

me and sasha then chatted and left for class.

( third person's pov )

y/n was just heading to the bathroom because she wasn't feeling well. ever since this week started, there were exams here and there. and because of that she didn't care about her health at all.

she was aware of it and wanted to eat more but she can't seem to. she looked down the whole time she was walking because she felt dizzy. as she kept walking, her head bumped into someone' chest and she got startled.

sticky notes | eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now