Happy New Year! Also, time to vote for your favourite front cover and title!

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Happy New Year Everyone! Hope your year will be filled with happiness, health and success! Can you believe that it's already 2015?! I can't.

Well anyway, what are we going to be doing today? Well, you've all told me your awesome title ideas and have created some pretty cool front covers, so, now, it is time to VOTE! Unfortunately you are not allowed to vote for yourself, but you can still vote for people in your house!

So, first of all, here are our title suggestions:

Christmas Chaos (QuillsOnParchment)

Chaos at Christmas (QuillsOnParchment)

Rise of the Frozen, Tangled Hogwarts Dragons at Christmas (Ermengarde)

A Christmas Hogwarts Romance: Jack and Elsa (Ermengarde)

Christmas Turning (Artemislover101)

A Hogwarts Carol (Nargles52)

A Tale of the Christmas Lovers (animallover202)

So, to vote, all you need to do is comment ~here~ with your favourite name idea! You can vote for up to two title ideas.

Front Cover Competition: Okay, so time to move onto the front cover competition. We had some really awesome front cover ideas, and to check them out, go onto my profile and click on my reading list “Front Cover Competition ". Pick ONE and then message me HERE or send me a PM telling me which was your favourite front cover.

You must have voted for your favourite front cover and title by 12pm, on Friday the 2nd of January (tomorrow).

Here is another reminder: There will be a roleplay today at 9pm, UK time, on here. We will be doing Scene Seven, in which ALL cast members are present. ~please comment here to say if you will or will not be able to take part in this roleplay ~

Well anyway, I think that is all you need to know for today,

Yours sincerely,

Hermione Jean Weasley, Headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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