Ponyta and Rapidash

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Ponyta is a fire type Pokemon introduced in Generation I.

It is a Phsychic-type introduced in Generation VIII.

Ponyta is a horse Pokemon that has creamed colored fur.

Rather then having a fur mane, Ponyta has one made of fire which burns red when it is happy or exited.

The Galar Ponyta however has a mane made out of Galaxy stuff.

Rapidash is known as the fire horse Pokemon!

It is a fire-type Pokemon from the Kanto Region, with a height of 5'07 and a weight of 209.4 pounds!

It can have the ability Run Away or the ability Flash Fire.

Rapidash is also one of the fastest Pokemon with a top of 50 mph.

Its body is in immense pain as Mega Evolution forces to grow with wings.

It tramples and impales everything in its path as it gallops blind with agony.

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