You go to the Hype House

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I wake up and I realize today is the day that I'm MOVING IN!!! Let's not talk about that right now.. but the fact that I just met Nick Austin!!! It doesn't make sense to me at all! I met him on the first day that I'm here! He was at the same restaurant that I was! But now let's talk about the fact that I am actually moving into The Hype House!!! It's about 12:00 and at 1:00 Nick is going to pick me up! And he is going to bring me to live in The Hype House! I totally forgot! I have to pack! I'm going to start now! I have to pack everything! I'll need all of my suitcases. That will be about 4! I need all my clothes. I need my LED lights, my ring light, and my fairy lights. I need all my pictures. And a bunch of other things! Now I'm done packing and it's 12:55! 5 minutes until Nick picks me up! Better go outside and wait! I am in the car with Nick now! He also brought Thomas Petrou the creator of The Hype House! He brought Charli D'Amelio the most famous person on TikTok! He also brought Dixie D'Amelio Charli's sister and also another very famous TikToker! Those are all the people that he brought! Thomas is driving! We finally arrive at The Hype House!

You meet Nick Austin Where stories live. Discover now