extra. 20 facts

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extra. 20 facts

(@hxrrystars tagged me to do this)

1) I live in belgium (as president obama said: 'it's hard not to love a country known for its chocolate and beer.')

2) I can speak french, dutch, english and german (and all of these but english are official languages spoken in belgium lmao) and I understand latin (learning spanish as well!!!)

3) I've been to one concert in my life (first of may 2013 - one direction tmht) and I'm going to two concerts next year (5sos in may and one direction in june, two days before my finals start yay) I'm so hypedddd

4) finding skinny jeans for me is like the hardest thing ever (having stick legs sucks okay)

5) I have an unhealthy obsession with food that's either really pricey or not available in belgium

6) I'm also in love with ziam, thanks to my lovely best friend. between them, it's either thirst or fond and it makes me so sick. but I'm ziam af so I'm okay with that.

7) I've never seen my best friend in person :(((( my best friend being jae (cathartics on wattpad, you've probably heard of her before, she's pretty popular) and even if I really want to meet her, there's this thing called distance and it sucks (I'm not really capable of swimming the Atlantic Ocean). buuuuut I Iove her very much and she means a lot to me because she's amazing and she's the sun to my moon, the zain to my liam and she deserves all happiness in the world. ily babe

8) I get about five hours of sleep everyday and it's not healthy at all but I can't help it 💁

9) I finally have a front camera after three years without and I love taking selfies even though my face kinda ruins it

10) I'm obsessed with my phone (stupid expensive phone squad)

11) I played tennis for seven years. I hated it.

12) I hate hate hate talking to people face to face, especially if I'm not really good friends with them, so I usually just keep quiet and get scolded at for not saying anything.. but when I do say something I usually don't think before speaking or I just stutter my way through.

13) my friends always joke that they're going to hyperventilate and I'm like NOO!! NOO!! wait till you actually do it like I was once panicking so much I just couldn't breathe properly or speak and I thought I was dying

14) I've been to london twice and it's so pretty

15) I love ed sheeran and dan smith's voices like if you could marry sound I would marry both bastille and ed's songs

16) I'm super awkward (addition to number 12) but once I was in this candy shop (yoo) and the thing I wanted was behind the counter so you had to ask. that's literally all and yet I didn't dare to ask and it was so awkward I suck

17) my tumblr is forziam, my twitter and ask are nighttimepayne and my instagram is llu.na HINT HINT HINT

18) my ultimate woman crush is shay mitchell I just love her so much she's great

19) my friends are all like 'yeah and next year we're 16 so we can go out' and I really don't want to like I'm fine by myself in my room lmao (16 is legal to have sex + drinking age here)

20) my guilty pleasure is pop music and I absolutely adoreTaylor Swift's 1989 (I'm like obsessed)

anyway, thanks for reading this :) I tag @cathartics and @snowwflakes

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