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Green is a pretty color. It is my favorite. The color of leaves. The color of life. The color of envy.

Red is the opposite. Red is romantic. Red is fierce. Red is bold. And Red is strong.

I am green, because Red is the opposite. She has nicer hair and prettier face (but I'd argue I'd be prettier than her if I was thinner). Red is a strong leader (I too am a great leader, but she attracts the bigger crowd). Red is rich and has no problems (she pretends she has problems to blend in and show she is just like us).

Red is the color of her blood (I see it on my hands). Is green the color of my blood? I check.

No, it is red. Am I Red?

Red is a color. The color of anger. The color of hate. The color of rage.

I am not green.

I am red.

I am Red.

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