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      "Bye now honey be good and listen to Adelheid" says Mummy, "Be good and go to bed at 6:30 ok now girlie love you Betty" Dad says as he kisses me on the head. "Do you have to go" I ask sadly "Yes, now we'll be back at midnight I love you" Mummy says as she gets into the car with daddy. As Adelheid shuffles me inside I decide to stay as silent as possible so she will let me go to bed late and listen to the replay of the children's hour on the radio. But instead Adelheid wanted to have dinner, Adelheid looked through the icebox and pantry but Mummy and daddy had not gotten the dinner rations for today. "Ok, Betty I'm going to need to go to the town hall to get our rations for today all right??" Adelheid tells me as she pulls on her coat and hat. As she leaves Adelheid says "If anything happens Betty remember go down to the bomb shelter and stay there until the sun rises up and there is no sound". I decide that maybe I could listen to the children's hour before bed and dinner, but I couldn't hear anything in fact the only thing I could hear was a staticky song that I just couldn't make out....

I thought 'well I can't listen to children's hour and I can't eat my dinner so I might as well just go to bed'. I brush my teeth and pull on my nightgown and climb into bed. As I snuggle down, I clutch my teddy (Jessie Bear) and try to think happy thoughts. As I start to drift off, I hear dripping and footsteps from the kitchen. 'oh, Adelheid's back well I'm a bit too tired now to eat so Adelheid might eat mine' I drift into I deep and calm sleep dreaming about how school will be fun tomorrow because we will be doing Arithmetic!! As I sleep odd noises work their way into my dreams like footsteps and hideously evil laughing....

Suddenly a big bang sounded from far down the street, that wakes me from my slumber. I worry as I hear another one sounding further up and closer to our house now!! I panic as I grab my teddy and jacket and run to find Adelheid, but she isn't here 'She probably already left' I say to myself as I run down the street to the closest bomb shelter, I can find! As I leap in, I find no one else in there and get scared. I remember hearing Mummy and Daddy talking about a broken bomb shelter down our street! But as I catch my breath and look up, I see someone standing by the door wearing a gas mask! Oh, my goodness I didn't bring mine!!! As my breath starts to get away again from the panic I look everywhere trying to see if there were any on the walls, on the floor I would even go out to get one!! But as I run up the stairs to the door the masked figure blocks my way and slowly shakes his head. I slump down onto the floor in submission as I realise if any gases are released that this will be my last night alive....

I look up and see the figure kind of ... maybe.... Smiling? Was he smiling because he knew I would die was anybody really this cruel? To smile at the fact that a child would die in front of him. As I studied this person, I realised that the coat he was wearing wasn't just any old coat... it was Adelheid's coat!! "Hey" I yell "That's my friends coat" "ha not anymore little one" He laughs. "What do you mean" I scream with a hint of terror in my voice. That was when it hit me. Adelheid had never come back from the rations she wasn't making those noises in the kitchen or the laughing because Adelheid was gone and this person had done something to her and maybe just maybe I was next. I was the only one in this shelter because it WAS the broken one, he had followed me here for a reason unbeknownst to myself and probably anyone I knew.

Another huge bang hit the ground shaking me and the shelter. As I sat at the back, I noticed a yellowy coloured gas start to seep in from the roof and walls....

I start to shake and panic, I've seen this before when we were in another bomb shelter I had my mask then it burned through your lungs and skin and made an unknown agony that would be enough to kill you and if you didn't it created a life of pain and torture for yourself. As I begged and begged to be let out, he just smiled more as it burned through my lungs hurting me and I writhed on the floor as the room filled with gas, I slowly saw the world fading. As I thought I would die the figure picked me up and ran across the street to my home he kicked in the door and lay me next to someone. As I faded into the world of darkness, I saw who I was lying next to. It was Adelheid her eyes wide open, mouth open in shock I saw what I think was a knife jabbed into her... I looked back up and saw what looked like the figure he took off his mask and as I breathed my last breath, I saw the face of a killer. 

(Please if this story has raised any form of issues for you - Call 1800 55 1800 Kids Helpline - Keep yourselves well and if you need to speak anyone just message me at my inbox) 

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