The Viking Angel of Scandinavia

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What happened the last 10 years, and it is now time for war
This story takes place at the same time as the dragon knight of Camelot.
10 years have now passed, while growing up, Jack made two new friends, the valkyrie known as Hildr, who has the power to bring back the dead, and the half-brother to the great demigod, Iphicles, Iphicles also wields the Mmaagha Kamalu sword, the sword glows red if someone has evil intentions.
Hildr and Iphicles have become lifelong friends with Jack.
Throughout the last 10 years, Jack, Hildr and Iphicles have all gone on countless adventures throughout all the nine-realms.
From battling Surtr to outwitting Útgarða-Loki, as you can hear, these three have had quite the adventures, but we now travel to the present day, where Jack, Hildr and Iphicles have all three become young adults.
Jack now wields the Tyrfing, a sword that can pretty much cut through anything and will be the cause of three great evils.
Jack also has the Bow of Michael which can shoot literal suns at his opponents.
Jack has also become most beautiful beyond all words, which is no surprise considering who his parents are.
But now let us set the stage for the story.
Melias de Lile, the son of King Erof and his wife/Queen Olga or as the britons call her, Elena.
Melias is not only the one person who has been knighted by Sir Galahad, but he is also a spy for his father, and now, after the events of Camlann, which resulted in the death of Arthur, which made Madoc his brother take on the throne.
King Erof has finally decided to go to war.
To that end, he has called upon his generals Guichtlac, Hrothgar, Sigmund and Cedric to name a few.
King Erof has also called upon his Viking Angel.
With an army that is uncountable, and some heroes and gods joining in on the war thanks to Jack.
The vikings finally set sail towards Camelot.....

If you want to find out what happened then please read the present King of Camelot.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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