Targets coincidence

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Shiribu looked over at the mafia leader, he had his hand on the wheel but he hadn't moved in a long time. He seemed to be deep in thought, puzzled by what was going on in the world around him, it was rare that Ushijima didn't get what he wanted and even rarer that he got frustrated and if shiribu was being completely honest he didn't want to be in a car, alone with the leader of Shiratorizawa when he was angry. No, anything sounded better than that, even a day alone with Semi-san.

"I'm sure Semi-san could find who brought him?" He questioned, staring at the man for a reaction. He didn't really get one, only a small exasperated sigh then a look of defeat washed over his face.

"No, let's just finish up that deal with our American friend shall we? After all it's only courteous after we left him waiting for such a long time,"

"Whatever you wish Ushijima-san,"


It's funny how small the world was, the American man that Shiritrazawa had a deal was in fact the man that had brought Tendou.


Ushijima pulled the car in the driveway of the man's house. Two very well dressed men opened the car doors for both of the young men and gestured to them to follow them. They lead them both into a large dinning room where the man they had made deals with was sipping on a glass. "Mr Grant?"

"Oh shit-" he gulped "Tendou! Guests are here!" Shiribu looked over at his boss, who seemed to flinch at the name.

"Sorry, sorry sit down, got myself a new slave, he doesn't know anything about this life though, how annoying am I right? Anyway how are you" He rambles as Ushijima straight up glares at him. Shiribu made a mental note that his star can put clients off.

"I'd rather skip the pleasantries and get down to business" Ushijima mumbles, the poison in his voice dripping into the conversation. Suddenly a presence appears next to Shiribu

"Sorry to interrupt Sir, but would you like anything to drink?" A red headed man stands by them, his in a deep red crop top with black skinny jeans, Shiribu thought he was rather skinny but he doesn't even compare, you could see this boy's ribs. As well as noticing how skinny he was, Shiribu also noticed the bright red collar around his neck that read 'Satori', and suddenly it all clicked.

"Any chance are you Tendou Satori?" He asked, the boy seemed startled at being asked a question but answered anyway with a curt nod. Ushijima smiled slightly.

"Mr Grant, we can finish this later but can i say ive been looking for this young man for quite some time now,"

"Oh?" Is all the man across the table could say before a bullet from Shiribu's gun buried itself in his skull. Tendou jumped at the loud bang and then again at the sicking cruch his skull made against the table as his corpse tumbled forward, hitting the table.

"Tendou, ive been looking for someone with sufficient knowledge on the slave trade, i know from some research that you didnt choose to be a slave or whatever so would you be willing to give me the incite i need. In exchange i can give you a place to stay and a makeshift family with my team in Shiratorizawa"

"Of course 'toshi" he smiled. Ushijima seemed to be fine with his nickname. In fact, Shiribu could see a small brush of blush on his cheeks. 

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