Hopes Peak

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Authors Note

~ hello! Welcome To The First Chapter Of The More The Merrier! Here Are Some Things You Should Remember! Y/N And L/N Means Your First And Last Name! Along Like F/S And L/S, Your Least And Favorite Subject! E/C Is Your Eye Color And H/C For Hair Color! Bye!~

The Ultimate Sibling, something you'd never think would be noticed let alone be rewarded. But surprisingly it is, and here I am standing in front of the one and only Hopes  Peak High. The school made for the students with the most hope in their future, with an extremely low acceptance rate.

You look at the computer typed letter you got in the mail a week before today.

"Dang, 8:30? Wait.. I'm 50 Minutes Early!?" I scream. I always hated the feeling of being early, let alone waiting for others to get here... and the constant thought of being alone haunts me. That's why mom had so many other kids, so I wouldn't be alone as much. But then she quit on us. Id rather not think about it, besides its my first day of high school! Nothing can go wrong! I continue to walk to the doors and push the big doors open.
*things go black and you start to hear static*
I Open My eyes slowly getting dizzy and a see a door appear.
"H-huh? I-is that a door? Should I... Yes! It seems like it's the only way out so why not?" As I pull the door A bright light starts to bleed through getting bigger and bigger. I squint my eyes to block the bright light that made my dizziness worsen.
"A-ah! Is That A....." The door then reveals a Classroom filled with 16 other students.
"Ummm... H-hey.." You say as you being to walk into the classroom filled with freshmen ultimates.
"There's The Last One" I Hear a more bigger sized man said.
"Wait? How Do You Know That's The Last One?"
"Because There Are 17 Desks And Y/N Seems To Be The Last one. Anyone With A Brain Could've Figured That Out"  The bigger kid scoffs. How Does He Know My Name?

"Well.. Now That Everyone's Here.. Shouldn't We Start Discussing About How We  Got Here?" You hear a kid that looks fairly normal for an ultimate.

"The More Important Question Is How Will We Get Out?" A man that looks like he could be  in his mid-thirty's
"W-W-What Do You Mean?!?" A boy dressed like a chef  squeals  then runs to the door to try and open it.

"It's Not Worth It, I Tried To Leave To Take A Crap But It Wouldn't Budge".
Sigh.... nobody needed to know that you need to- never mind.
"So We're Locked In Here...." I sigh. What's happening? Does anyone know?
Every one had started to talk at once. I decided to take advantage of that to get a better picture of what everyone looks like. Everyone looked extremely unique, as if God had specifically chosen them to be Ultimates. Some were really noticeable, like the dude who kept trying to talk to one of the girls. He had bright pink hair along with his eyes and was wearing a puke-y yellow jumpsuit. While others weren't as noticeable like the small blond kid. He looked like your average "wanted to have a emo phase but his mom would kill him if he died his hair black" high schooler. He may have looked younger then everyone else but he cursed more than a pirate. Like... he hasn't stopped cursing since the buff dude said that we can't escape. But one student stood out to me specifically. He was around 5"10, a lot taller than me, and leaning on the wall. Compared to everyone else he had more layers of clothes on,
"Jacket, shirt, long pants, boots, and a scarf..." I mumble to myself. He looks like he's ready for winter even though it's the beginning of fall.
"Ah! What If It's Some Type Of Entrance Exam?"  A kid with messy white hair states.
"But According To Hopes Peak, No Such Entrance Exam Exists." The girl the pink haired kid was trying to talk to. she may be a princess says.
"They May Say That Publicly, But It's Possible It Could Be A Special Exam?" The white haired kid explained
"Wronnng!" A cutesy voice said.
"What Was That?!" I Scream. What's going on? Is this really Hopes Peak?!
"Hey Fat Ass! Why The Hell Did You Make That Cutesy Voice?" The Small Blonde Kid Says.
This class creeps me out.. who knew ultimates would be so weird?
"I'm Going To So Kindly Answer Your Question And Ignore The Fact That You Had the Audacity To Comment On My Weight. I, Didn't Make That "Cutesy" Voice." I don't even know if I want to call him the bigger kid now...
"Correct!" A  small white bunny had given out, "Now That Every Ones Here Let's Start!"
Start What? What's Going On? Who Is This Rabbit?
"I'm Magical Miracle Girl Usami...AKA Usami!
Well that's one question answered. So... our teachers a bunny? But that just raised more questions!

Time Skip Brought To You By San-D

After we met Usami we ended up on a island. Confused but at least I'm conscious unlike the normal looking kid. I decided not to interfere with the problem knowing that the kid with white hair was helping him so instead I went looking around. The island had many cool things like a hotel, super market, even an airport! Obviously I wanted to check the airport first because as a person with many siblings I've only been to airports to greet someone and it's been awhile since I've done so.
There the kid that was leaning on the wall, this time I was able to get a better look at him. His scarf was a dark purple and his hair was in... how do I describe it... it was as if he used a lot- I mean a LOT of hair gel to put it up. It looked cool though, it really matches his aesthetic. I minus well go talk to him, its not polite to stare.
"Hi! I'm Y/N L/N, The Ultimate Sibling. Who Are You?" I request hopefully. Surprisingly he was more energetic than I thought.

~yay... I finally got more than a thousand words (1108 to be exact!) Haha wait till I add the next part if you want... I won't make you, but I'd appreciate it! Ima take a nap..~

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