We Talk

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"Welcome back you simp. Just kidding but hey, welcome back to The More The Merrier..! Eugh whatever let's got on with this chapter"

"Aww~!! Their Adorable!! Can I Hold One?" You squeal reaching your arms out to the sandcastle just far enough so it won't collapse. Gundham begins to smirk evilly and nods sending the devas jumping onto your palms one by one. You pull them closer to your face and boop each one of them individually with your nose as Gundhams' cheeks begin to show hints of red.
A few minutes go by of you and Gundham talking back and forth. "Hey Y/N! Cmon Let's Talk More!" You Hear Sonia shout from the shore. You say goodbye to Tanaka and sprint over to Sonia who was hanging out with Mikan and Mahiru.
"H-hey Y-Y/N! Me, Mahiru, And S-Sonia Were J-Just Talking About T-The Island! Do You T-T-Think We'll B-Be Able To L-Live Here?" Mikan stutters questionably happy.
"Heh, I Mean The Barely Any Of  The Boys Are Even Hot. But You'd Know Better, Right Y/N~?" Mahiru teases. Sonia giggles taking a quick glance at Tanaka and back at you.
"What do you- OH MY GOD!" You're cheeks get extremely red- Like REALLY red leaving the other two laughing, "I Don't Like-Like Him!!! He's Cool Ok?! What About Sonia? She's Been Talking To Kazuichi!"
"Yea, But It's Easy To Tell She Doesn't Like Him!" Mahiru scoffs pointing her thumb to point at soda who was behind her.
"P-plus D-Didn't You Come T-talk To Me After You M-Met Him?" Mikan Asks While Smiling. Before you could say anything else Akane saved the day and  ran over to you and the other girls and asked if you guys wanted to swim with her down near the deeper end. You look over her shoulder to see the crystal clear abyss and quietly gasp.

"I-Im Fine! I'll Stay Here!" You put a fake smile on and chuckle.

"I'll Go!" Mahiru offers And Mikan nods her head signing that she'd go with them.

"Are You Sure You Dont Wanna Come Too Y/N?" Sonia Asks. You tell them to go ahead. As Sonia waves goodbye you head over to Ibuki, Nekumaru And Nagito to talk to them.

Time Skip Brought To You By Cham-P Cause This Part Would Be Really Boring Otherwise.

As it starts to get dark everyone says goodbye and headed back to there cottages. (The next part will be in first person!)

I walk down the cobblestone path checking the pictures of us on the mailboxes.

"Lucky Me" I sigh only half sarcasticly Turns out my cottage was between Byakuya and Gundham. I roll my eyes, . "At least Gundhams hot..." NO! What am I thinking!?!? He isnt hot!  I just met him! I shake my head to release myself from the thought and unlock the door with the key Monomi gave us. Inside was a couch, table, really pretty flowers, a book shelve, a bed and television bigger than anything ive seen!  I look to my right to see a nice, modern looking bathroom. The place has everything id need, for a dorm anyway.

After looking around I lay on the bed letting the blankets suck me in.. soon enough I would be fast asleep....

I wake up to knocking on my door. "Y/N!... Y/N?"

"H-Huh?Who Is It??" I shout rubbing my eyes and sitting up from my bed.. "Nevermind-"

"Yes?" Sonia asks waiting for me outside.

"SHOOT! Hold On A Minute" I quickly pull most of my hair back and answer the door.

"Hey Sonia.. Why Are You Here So Early?" I look at the nicely dressed girl. I let her in my cottage and soon enough the scent of roses and honey fills the room as Sonia sits down onto the couch.

~Sorry This Ones Small, Im Losing Confidence In My Work And I Dont Have Much Ideas So If You have Any Let Me Know! Im Thinking About Making Sonia Be The "Bad Guy" But I Know She's A Lot Of Peoples Favorite Character So Let Me Know About That As well!!~

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