Chapter the sixth

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I slowly unwrapped the box with trembling fingers. I prayed that there would be a necklace or a bracelet inside.

"Something normal," I thought.

"Please, please, please just let it be something normal."

When I finally gathered the courage to take the lid off I almost gasped.

There, sitting snugly in the center of the box, was a collar.

It was the type of collar that the old-world humans would've used for their dogs when they were still being kept as pets.

Keeping with the theme of Scarlemagne's regalia; It was a deep shade of red, tied at the front with a neat, blue bow.

Was this some sort of sick joke?

I turned to look at Scarlemagne, hoping that he would brush it off as a cruel prank. He looked entirely serious however, wearing a hideously licentious grin on his face.

"Isn't it just splendid?" he asked, voice dripping with glee.

He then waved his arms.

"Don't just stand there, put it on!"

I obeyed. Holding back the urge to burst into tears. Once I had finished, I presented myself to Scarlemagne. He scowled slightly before claiming;

"No, no, no! It's far too loose, I can't have you slipping out of it!"

He ordered Lemieux to tighten the collar and I had to crouch down in order for them to reach the buckles. They fastened my collar to the tightest peg, causing it to cling to my neck like tape. This meant I had to take short, slow breaths or else I would've been strangled.

"That's much better."

I looked on in horror as Scarlemagne reached into his sleeve and pulled out a leash that had been coiled around his wrist.

"I'm sure you understand why I must do this," Scarlemagne began.

He clipped the leash to my collar, giving it a few sharp, painful tugs.

"You humans can be such clever little things and I have to take extra measures to make sure you don't run away."

I was suddenly pulled close. So close I could feel his warm breath caress my neck.

"You're mine now, Y/n," he murmured.

A Royal Pain (Scarlemagne x reader)Where stories live. Discover now